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Christmas with the Wolves (SP-RP3)2011-2015

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The "Christmas Special" Episode. May or may not be considered canon. In the which Alpha and Betas celebrate Christmas with their new pack on Zeit's Ranch.

Hour Glass

Zeit was rushing around, she felt like she had a million things to do before the pack began to show up. Kratos had left for some errands, so she had called to the houses, telling the wolves she had an important meeting that everyone one had to attend. She had changed the interior of her house, clearing it out to make more room for all the incoming wolves.

Zeit's house had changed, on the outside, it was covered with colorful christmas lights, along with a couple deer closer tot he road and an inflatable, which she had no clue had come from. Inside was much the same, she had spent the last two days preparing, but that had meant she had also been away from the pack for two days, including Kratos. She expected he would be angry later because she had refused to let anyone in her house, and she had hidden from her normal duties, leaving them to the rest of the wolves.

The inside of her house had been transformed into a Christmas delight, lights and garland on the railing of the stairs, and many Christmas decorations throughout the house, along with a huge tree in the center of the room. Zeit had spent hours meticulously decorating the tree, and making small gifts for the wolves, which were little figurines of the wolves, which she had spent months making in secret.

But she also had other plans under her sleeve. She had written all the names of the pack members down, and place them into an old santa hat she had, and Zeit smiled as she waited for her guests. She would give them one day to get a gift for someone before Christmas eve, where they would share what they had gotten. She hoped it would help the pack grow closer together, but she also had a feeling there might be some complications with everything. but she planned to have a great holiday with her pack, which included a big feast for her pack.

Zeit loved Christmas, she was excited to have others to share the holiday with for once, mainly because the townspeople gave her odd looks whenever she cheerfully bounced into town, giving out small figurines to the children, which she had made at the beginning of the year. On Christmas, she hoped to get the pack back together to celebrate, and that would be when she gave them the little presents she had made, along with some tacky Christmas sweaters. Who could have Christmas without a tacky sweater?

She happily bounced tot he door as she waited for the pack, a grand smile on her face, and wearing a green and red sweater which had caroling geese in different Christmas costumes. She waited for everyone, unnaturally happy for the moment.


Kieoki was hesitating again.

She really did need to learn how to not do that so often. her wolf snickered at her in their mind, but Kieoki pushed the wolf away, wanting to enjoy herself for the day. She was still in her room, standing in front of her mirror, debating on whether she'd attend Zeit's meeting or not. Zeit had seem pretty excited though, and so Kieoki sighed, knowing that she'd end up going. She was hesitating though because she hadn't gotten around to mending her old kimono, and had managed to get by by wearing the red t-shirt and pants she'd brought with her when she first came into the pack. She had another dress, but it was in good condition compared to her other clothes, and she was hesitant to wear it in public. She frowned at herself, muttering as she smoothed out that very dress. Screw what other people would think. She liked the dress and they could deal with it.

Kieoki had switched wardrobe because she'd not only gotten bored of the t-shirt, but because she was desperate for the soft silk again. She slipped quietly out of her room, hoping that she wouldn't run into anyone on her way out of the cottage. She was now wearing a sunset colored dress that went down to her knees, and as usual the middle was tied with her blood-red sash. She'd taken a strip from her old dress too and loosely tied her hair up. Either way, she was more than glad when she didn't run into anyone on the way out. And thankfully, she was at Zeit's house before she knew it.

Kieoki blinked in surprise at the Christmas lights, never really having seen anything like it before. She actually ended up standing in Zeit's yard for a minute or two as she took it in. It was a bit overwhelming. But Kieoki managed to shake herself free from the staring. She walked up Zeit's porch and lifted her hand, hesitating only a moment before she lightly knocked on the door.


Kaleb had gone on a small walk on the outskirts of the ranch, but now he had decided to head back. It was getting colder, and he suspected snow. But so far, it hadn't fallen. He breathed out, his breath a cloud around him. Kaleb smiled softly, and twitched his nose, about to sneeze.

He started jogging back, he hated the cold and wanted to get warmer. Even though his jacket was weatherproof and had down in it to keep him warm, the cold always managed to seep through the little cracks.


As he neared the house (it hadn't taken him long to get there) he thought he saw one of the others standing in the doorway. As he got closer, he admired the lights that Zeit had put up. They were bright and cheerful, and really made it look like a happy place. He still couldn't tell who was standing at the doorway, so he decided to call out.

"Hey!," he shouted out, waving and smiling in case they turned around.


Chime was a little nervous when Zeit called the meeting, she wondered what the beta thought of Christmas. Christmas was a wonder time for Chime, she and her mother used to try to be secret Santas to other, though it always ended up in giggles after being found out, and sometimes having their presents early. Heading towards the Zeit's place now, she wondered what would be different now she lived with so many others, would they sing Christmas corals? She hoped not, for the sake of everyone's ears, Chime chuckled a little, "Never again."

When she got close enough to see the house Chime was a little more then surprised, a smiled wormed it's way to her face. The house was beautiful, her and her mom never really had the time to do anything like this to the house they lived in. The only thing missing was a snowman, maybe Zeit will let her and the others come out to make one, or two... maybe a few more. Chime started to dart her eyes back and forth, trying to figure out were one was most needed.


Christmas; a time many people celebrated in many ways. Parties were held to celebrate the season, lights were strung, trees were decorated. Should snow fall, you wouldn't be surprised to see snowmen or snow angles or people having snowball fights, taking delight in their miniature battlefields of white. It was a time to go indoors after a long day and cuddle up by the fire in blankets, sipping hot cocoa while waiting for the nipping cold sting to leave your nose and toes.

It was something almost alien to Logan.

Winter in her old town meant chopping or foraging for firewood and piling it up beside the house so they wouldn't freeze during the cold season. It meant the townspeople would be grumpier than normal and it even managed to put a gripe in the usually warm attidue of her grandfather. It wasn't often that they got a clean blanket of white snow but rather the ground would be muddled with mushy brown ice-water.

So you can see, while Logan wasn't one to complain about what changes the weather made, the winter and her certainly weren't on good terms.

Christmas day itself was almost like any other day for her. Typically in her small town, people would celebrate Christmas quietly amongst their own families. There was no decorating, the people lacked any sense of festivity and it was overall very dreary. Usually Logan and her grandfather would exchange one or two gifts on Christmas day, handmade most of the time, have a nice dinner and that would be that. It wasn't something to be made into a huge event.

However, it now had a very different atmosphere. It seemed people were cheerful despite the cold and many were getting into a Holiday spirit that Logan had never seen before.

Unsure of what the day would hold in store for her, she blindly set off for Zeit's house not long after the others and arrived nearly the same moment as Chime had.

Her eyes scanned over the house and the decorations the area now adorned with a small sparkle of both bewilderment and awe. But it was short lived and rather her attention turned to Chime, whom she stood a few yards behind now. Logan figured she should probably say something, but unless you caught her at the right time, she really wasn't a woman of many words. No, instead, she leaned down and scooped up an admirable amount of snow in her hands, packed it into a tight ball, and before anybody knew to react, she sent it flying right at the back of Chime's head!

Grinning ornerly, she walked past her, ruffling her hair briefly as she did so, and headed towards Zeit's doorstep, where she stood beside Kieoki and awaited an answer.


As it so happened on this particularly festive occasion, Timothy was returning in from the cold with his hands tucked in his pockets and his eyes downcast rather solemnly toward the ground. While he walked he shuffled the earth beneath his feet all the while with his back to the fields.

On the journey home Timothy had not looked up but once or twice. He had come from the lonely woods on the far side of the cattle pasture, wherein he had wandered amid the oaks for most of the day. It had been a quiet journey, there was a coldness in the air up there which was easily felt, but colder still and not so clear was the feelings that had lured him up into the haunting realm to begin with.

Now however, as the evening grew dim, Timothy found himself strolling back from his trail of empty memories, and presently he lifted his eyes to see what was before him.

The world was cold and becoming increasingly more dark at every end; the fields were empty after the harvest, the earth was sullen and grey, and unlike on nights of other seasons, the shadows themselves seemed to bring the cold up from the ground. It was a surrounding that was empty and forlorn, none more so than when standing by the cold wire fence so far out in the countryside.

Yet for all this, the central piece to this scene was in great contrast to all the rest of the world; colorful lights danced over the regular shapes and shadows of the ranch, and silent though they may be, each shed a mirthful nobility on the land like a beacon out of a murky harbor.

How strange it was to him, who throughout the weeks prior to this day had not failed to notice the spirit of the occasion which seemed to rest in the hearts and minds of all those around him. Even those who seemed untouched by the curious affair were in some way changed by the motions around them. Yet to Timothy, the change like so much else was one without familiarity, and so he was left to observe the winds and watch what they would bring.

Nonetheless, as anyone might be so inclined while good things last, Timothy felt no resentment toward the occasion and was for the most part enjoying the comely peace. So, having paused only a moment to consider these things, he began walking again, drawn forward in answer to the soft welcoming atmosphere which Zeit's cottage now newly adorned.


The day was very cold. Each window had been carefully decorated the night before by frost. The white curtains in her bedroom brightened as the light of dawn came through them. On the bed where Cherise was sleeping, a beam of light peaked through from a crack in the curtain. A beautiful smile spread over the young woman's face.

Cherise always loved the holidays. It was as if the day brought an old familiar feel of love and joy. Fluttering open her eyes slowly in an effort to adjust to the light, she rose from her bed and breathed in. Enjoying the peace she had forgotten the time. Suddenly she remembered. In a moment the shock crossed her face and she was out of bed rushing to get ready for the day.

She had very little time to find the perfect gift for her mother and grandmother. Placing on her winter coat, she headed out the door. Her coat had been a Christmas gift from her mother before she left for collage. It was a long Christmas red, coming down past her knees. It had a fur collar and fur lining the sleeves as well. In her hair, she wore a mistletoe hair clip. One at the bottom of her braid and the other on her head near her bun. Her bangs she had brushed to one side and curled the tips. Yes, she very much got into the holidays.

Cherise went shopping for a long time. It had gotten darker outside from when she had first arrived in the small shop, yet still she had not found the perfect gift for either of the two women. Sighing deeply, she turned to leave the store. It was about time for Zeit's meeting anyway. She will just have to think about the gifts and decide later.

As she began her long walk to the ranch, she started to sing to herself. Snow was her most favorite thing about the season"Oh, the fire is slowly dying, and my dear we are still goodbying, but as long as you love me so! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!" She had nearly reached the end of the song when she saw it. Zeit's place was decorated so beautifully that it took Cherise's breath away. Bringing her hand up to her mouth in amazement, she ventured forward a few steps before stopping to admire the wonderful view.


Oh, was Bianca ever ready for Christmas.

She had been preparing feverishly for the Holiday no later than mid-december; planning meals, plotting her attempt to get everyone together to sing and take photos.. but mostly cooking. She had compromised not one, but both of the cabins fridges for the most part, and she would be there with a spoon in hand if anybody so much as looked at any of the deserts or foods suspicously.

Now being so close to Christmas, she was not about to see anybody with a frown on their face. Bianca was ready to force the spirit of the Holiday right into anybody who looked down or seemed like they had intentions to be a Scrooge this Holiday season. This was her first Christmas with her new family, and she wasn't about to let anyone ruin it for themselves or her. This meeting would prove the perfect oppertunity for her to figure out just who she had to target over the next couple of days..

So she prepared herself and began out for the ranch just after she finished baking a third batch of cookies, leaving the cabin smelling strongly of fresh warm treats.

The woman hadn't even made it to Zeit's house when she spotted her first target.


There was a scene of beauty ahead of her, the lights of the warm little cabin styled home, the crisp white snow. It seemed three people had already made it.. but she set her eyes on Timothy alone.

There he was, looking depressed as usual, his head cast down and his hands tucked away.. he was the picture of melancholy. She furrowed her brows and bit her lip. He was an odd one without a doubt, and only having been here a short time, she knew that it was not her place to prod. Still, regardless of what skeletons he kept in his closet, she wasn't going to let him take from the atmosphere of the season..

Without really thinking her next actions through, she bolted towards him as quickly as she could in the snow, and upon nearing him, she tackled him from behind with her arms around his torso!

"Alright, buster, listen here." she let go now and walked in front of him, her arms crossed but a small smirk on her face to show that she wasn't completely serious. "It's Christmas time, and if I have to feed you a million peppermint cookies and funnel hot chocolate down your throat until you feel the Christmas spirit about to burst out of you, I will." the last part was said with a grin and a small chuckle.

"Sooo, oil up those old smiling muscles and decide," now she reached down and gathered up a pat of snow, packing it into a tight ball, "Are you on my team, or theirs?" with that, she cocked her head back towards Logan and Chime, bouncing the snowball in her hand.


Timothy stiffened in response to Bianca's playful attack and there was a brief moment when it appeared he might retaliate on her. But he realized who she was before coming to that point and waited on her in order to fully comprehend her sudden actions against him.

Following Bianca's gesture Timothy looked up at Logan and Chime on the porch, then he cast a glance to the scarce patches of muddy snow that covered here and there throughout the yard, and at last looked to Bianca again with her snowball in hand.

"We are on the same team." Timothy replied after a moment, and he furrowed his brow as if to ask if this statement was not so.

His defensive stance had not fallen and it seemed Timothy was waiting to see if this was a serious conflict or just a playful one as it appeared. Either way, he was prepared to defend himself should anyone attempt to harm him.


Cherise was not the only one who was humming a merry tune that evening, and as Ulric came around the corner of the field he called out a cheerful greeting to her.

"Merry Christmas!" He laughed, hailing her with a raised hand before looking at the company gathered on Zeit's porch and calling out to them. "Has she not let anyone in yet?"

Ulric chuckled as he came into view of the yard and looked at the holiday decor hanging about the Chandler cottage. He paused only a moment to admire the lights before noticing Timothy and Bianca nearby and sighting the strange posture in Timothy's body language.

Immediately Ulric felt curious about the situation and quickly summarized what it was about. Clearly, it seemed Timothy wasn't getting it, and Ulric considered intervening in behalf of both of them before things went awry. But he hesitated on account of Bianca's sincere attempt, and of course his own curiosity to see if she could convince Timothy to join in. Nonetheless Ulric was watchful should any action need to be taken.

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