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Borrowed Strength (CA - Matthew & Zander)

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Matthew had stood up to leave but paused to listen. He then turned back and headed for the payphone. " I'm calling Davey," was all he said.

He shuffled through his bag and fished out the number of his friend, before putting in a few coins and began slowly typing the number once again that day. The phone rang, and rang. Nobody answered, as Matthews face began to look more flustered by the ringing and then finally the dead tone as the other line never picked up. He eyed Zander like somehow it was his fault the phone call didn't get answered.

Despite that, Matthew tried to call again with the same results. Phone still in hand, he looked to be ready to try a third time despite the lack of success the past two times.

"Of course," Zander said as though it were the most natural thing in the world.

He decided not to point out he had offered much the same earlier, and had been told Davey 'didn't have a phone'.  He supposed it was only natural to be a little difficult after being sun-baked, chased out of town, and dependent on the mercy of some homeless motorcycle riding weirdo.

Zander waited patiently by the tables for Matthew to do as he will.  He decided to start tracing for the constellations up above.  So far out from civilization, he could make out a majority of the celestial bodies viewable at this time of year. He smiled as he found the criss-cross pattern of Cygnus up above. He couldn't recall the last time he had seen it.

Matthew tried to call Davey again and again and again, flustered now but still continuing nonetheless to no avail.

Zander sighed wearily, seeing the hopeless air settling over the kid as he'd looked up at stars. The constellations had begun to twist and morph into things no longer constellations, but dizzying breathless memories. He walked over to him, not making any secret of his approach with noisy, purposeful footsteps.

He didn't say anything. Not at first.  He looked up again at the constellations, imagining for just a moment he was that young kid again looking up at the sky for answers.  It hadn't been all that long ago...  and now he was at the other end of the conversation.

"Hey," he said quietly, "It's okay to lean on other people sometimes, you know..."

He cleared his throat, "People helped me out, when I first erm.. started out.  I didn't know anything.  I'd been trying to figure it all out myself - and I got some of the answers by myself after years of trial-and-error, but I got most of them from other people.  Maybe I would have gotten there without those people, but I promise you it would have taken longer. A lot longer".


Matthew had hung up the phone and let it sit there as he listened to what Zander had to say. Then he finally took his hand off the payphone and huffed.

" Well I don't have to like it," was all he said. Then putting the paper and coins back in his backpack, he slung it over his back and moved toward the motorcycle.

" Let's go then."

"Well you sure are gung-ho all the sudden," Zander eyed the boy a little suspiciously, but decided not to press.  Better to assume he'd gotten through at last than the kid was to abruptly disappear when he wasn't looking.

"Alright. We got another few hours stretch left. I'd like to make a straight shot, so assuming you've stretched your legs enough we can get going. I think we might make it by midnight..."

He walked over to his  motorcycle  and held his breath to get the beast to a stuttering, throaty start.  He tried not to look as relieved as he felt once the engine came to a purr, instead acting as though everything was in hand.  He put on his helmet and waited, likewise, for Matthew to put on his protective gear.

Matthew joined Zander on the old motorcycle and put his helmet on, before bracing himself for the long journey ahead.


Zander sighed, waiting for Matthew to safely clamber aboard and turned the ignition of his motorcycle into a bumbling, throaty choke that filled the silence of the night-air. As they set down the vacant highway, Zander could only hope the motorcycle's engine would last - but of course there were no guarantees. There were never any guarantees in any of it.  He might not even be able to help Matthew in the end. The kid could just as easily disappear on him forever, or be unintentionally put into danger by Zander's own good intentions.

Yet in the same way he could hardly run all the way to his cousin's home without his motorcycle, he supposed the kid would just need to make do. Sometimes strength needed to be borrowed.  Even unreliably, the power of others could do more than one's own strength alone.

He could only hope that Megan would have the answers he sought... and Matthew would find whatever it was he was looking for.

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