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Borrowed Strength (CA - Matthew & Zander)

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The sun was high in the pale blue sky, not a cloud could be seen. Dusty cracked asphalt passed by a few buildings that rose here and there on either side of it that made up the main street of a town called East Well. 

The small post office was one of these buildings, it's white exterior worn out with time and it's dark blue roof having several shingles missing. But despite the old state it was in, there were several pots that housed flowers of many colors nearby the door that made the place look inviting and still in use.

Another building was the gas station that looked less worn, it's sign displaying gas prices still managing to light up at night time. Astro Fuel was the name read on the sign. 

Then there was the dried up well near the main road of which the town had got its name from. Made with grey brick now chipped and taken over by nature, it still seemed to remain as the main attraction of the town all these years later- If the grass and weeds that grew wildly in the area didn't cover it up.

The town was small, with a modest population around 100 or some odd citizens that hardly got any visitors. Though it was uncommon, that day happened to be one of the days the town saw a visitor, the place quite a sight for his young sore eyes.


Matthew had decided something; He did not like the heat. Hours had passed by walking in this climate and he was hot and tired. He hadn't anticipated how hot it would be when he had chosen to walk from the town he previously resided at to his next destination. He remembered Davey adamently warning him of the dangers of trying to cross a desert- But boy was he still unprepared! It was the first time Matthew was in such a hot terrain and he would make sure he did not make the same mistake twice. He had run out of water about an hour or so ago now and his throat was terribly dry and in desperate need of a drink. The only good thing of it all was how barren the highways were on the path he took enabled him to walk along them and not have to struggle through the tall itchy grass.

At the sight of the town Matthew sped his walk up just a fraction. He would've gone faster but was worried about overheating himself. ...Though maybe he already had… His skin felt like it had been barbequed even though it was drenched in sweat. His head throbbed with a huge migraine and his train of thought kept getting lost. His heavy backpack did not help his situation either, feeling it's weight trying to tug him down multiple times making him stumble as he walked. Eventually, however slow, he managed to make it to the small town.

The youth made his way along mainstreet panting as he squinted looking at each of the buildings, his hand trying to shade his eyes from the sun's rays. He soon spotted the local gas station and headed over there, instantly feeling relief as he wearily stepped into the shade of the roof that covered the filling stations. His eyes turned to the front door of the convenience store that was connected to it, as he began to march over to it with the last bit of strength he could muster- water! He was so close to some water…!

A steel steed stood at her gravestone, the rusted exterior seeming to oxidate further with each passing moment. Mournfully, Zander watched her even as a thick drop of sweat rolled off his forehead.  Then he moved back to the shadows provided by the gas station overhang, thankful for the sanctuary from the sun.

He was a long way from civilization. And although he'd been plodding along the desert for some time now on account of rumors and hearsay, he hadn't exactly picked East Well.  More it had picked him - right at the point his poor steed, a beaten up little motorcycle born from a happier decade, had made an unpromising wheeze a few miles away from the little town.  He'd been lucky to have managed to make it to a town at all.

He waited presently in the afternoon sun, fanning his face with a small slip of paper. It was hard to expect much from the little town when it hardly saw any visitors at all. Still, Zander hoped the rumored mechanic actually existed and wasn't some fairy tale.

He was already chasing fairy tales, after all.

Right as that thought settled, he saw a little figure darting among the shadows.  At first he thought it was only a mirage, but mirages showed water and not people right? And in any case, he doubted his imagination could be clever enough to imagine some parched boy looking more lost than he was.

He lifted his fingers from the overhang of the gas station as he neared.

"Hey," he shouted, "You alright?"

Because of exhaustion Matthew just barely missed the voice that called out for him. Some part of him heard it, recognized it must've been towards him, (seeing as no one else was around) and then… Nothing. All he could process at that moment was the front door of the convenience store and the sign through the glass that read open.

He clumsily stumbled toward the door and gripped the door handle tightly as he simply tried to catch his breath now. 

He didn't feel sore from the walk as much as he just felt very tired- He was used to walking plenty of hours a day, but now that he paused he could tell he was feeling rather dizzy. ...All he needed was to catch his breath and he could find the strength to open the door. Oh if only his backpack wasn't so heavy, he wouldn't have been so terribly worn out now...

Zander watched the boy go into the convenience store with a deep frown.  The kid looked too young to be out in the middle of the desert, let alone without any parental figures in sight.  Although he supposed he could be unusually baby-faced 20 something like himself, something about the youth captured a paternal instinct he didn't know he had.  He followed a few paces behind.

"Hey," he repeated, "Kid, you okay? You... want some water or something?"

Only a few steps into the store, Matthew turned, finally realizing he missed the stranger from before. With a better look available it was clear from his face to his physique, there was a high chance he was smack dab somewhere in his early teen years. Or he was indeed just one of those poor folks cursed to look far younger than they really were…. But if there was any question left over the matter, his high cracking voice gave his age away.

" Oh." He responded awkwardly. " Yeah, I was.." Matthew gave a quick turn to the fridges lined up in the back before finishing. " Just about to get some."

He hesitantly looked at Zander as if to check for permission to move, then slowly began to head over to the sweet relief of water.

The inside of the convenience store was hardly better than the outside.  The same, dusty, gritty flavor graced the air. The AC was either broken or non-existent; Zander's sinuses had become so well-sanded as a result he sneezed a few times for good measure. A window in the back was open, allowing what little desert cross-breeze to filter through.  He watched the youth uneasily stumble through the store.  The clerk he'd spoken to earlier was nowhere to be seen.  He supposed that either meant the clerk had left to go summon the fabled mechanic, or else the locals knew better than to camp out in the AC-free convenience store during the hottest hours of the day.

His gaze filtered to the back where the water was kept.  As he took a few steps towards the back, he was struck by the lack of coolness from the refrigeration.  He brushed his hand against the glass.

"Broken..." he grumbled, "Figures, everything in this town is".

He sighed, taking another pitying glance at the kid. He probably wouldn't even notice the water wasn't cold.

"Grab whatever you need, I have a few extra bucks on me..."

Matthew could already be seen guzzling down water he had acquired from the broken fridge before Zander had even spoken. Matthew paused and looked at him wide eyed, his cheeks looking puffed up full of water now. With a large gulp he emptied his mouth.
" No- no, it's fine!" He said, shaking his head as he did so. " I have money, I can pay for myself." He then proceeded to sling his backpack off and started filling it with water bottle after water bottle before pausing and realizing how awful the scene must've looked to his uninvited audience. He looked over to him with a bit of timidness as he tried to give some reassurance.  " I'm going to pay for all this! Really."

Zander stayed where he was, sensing the kid was an anxious sort just a breath's away from scurrying out the door.  Alas, he had finally come of an age where even his baby face made him the cruel hand of authority to a lone teenager. No doubt his every inclination to help would seen as a threat... and so he stayed a little to the side, trying his very best not to look threatening.

"I'm not worried," he frowned as one of the bottles leapt of the edge of the backpack and hit the floor, "Just let me know..."

"Planning on going back out there?" he surmised.

Matthew put the last bottle into his pack, having grabbed almost a dozen of them, before looking over at Zander with a goofy smile.

" Yeah... I can't live here." He replied with a nervous laugh.

Turning into the aisles now, he then began perusing the snack foods available and grabbing whatever sounded good at the moment and adding that to his now rather heavy backpack.

Zander watched the kid move through the aisles, his expression furrowing with every step.  Unless he'd missed something on survival 101... a pack of oreos wasn't about to take him far.  Not that it was any of his business of course.

"Sure," he shrugged as if the kid was making perfect sense. He tried not to look too hard at the unrelenting heat, "You'd be better off striking out in the evening, when it's a little cooler. Heat stroke, and all..."

He hesitated a moment longer, "Listen, if you don't have a ride out of here... the mechanic is supposed to fix my motorcycle in a bit. When he's done, I can... take you..."

He shrugged, trying to continue the thought but failing. Take him where exactly... To a hospital? To his legal guardians? To child protective services?   He decided it would be probably better if he let the kid fill in the gaps than trust him self.

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