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Blowing in the Wind (SP-RP6) 04/2015

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Caleb groaned as he stood up, wiping leaves and dirt off of his clothes and hands. He grabbed his camera and peered at the lens, his heart racing at the possibility of cracks. Luckily, his folded body had curled around the precious object enough to keep it from hitting anything. He shook his head at the lack of concern Timothy felt for him, but quickly shook it off because he knew Timothy was a little bit indifferent.

Caleb looked at Timothy, who was now quite close to him. Caleb could sense the disapproval coming at him in waves from Timothy, and flinched a little. He felt belittled and attempted a weak, self-defensive smile, but failed.

Caleb stood there and ducked his head a bit, an action that could be considered submissive. He watched Timothy from next to the tree, leaning on it slightly as he attempted to regain his composure and see completely straight without any stars or slight blurring. Caleb could see Timothy moving carefully, listening and looking about like a master tracker. Caleb wondered exactly what the whole point of this was.

"What...exactly...are you doing," Caleb whispered slowly, questioning the intelligence of being out in this forest during the dark.


Timothy stopped. He paused completely and his arms slumped when he heard Caleb's question.

Looking over his shoulder, Timothy stared at Caleb, and watched him for a moment before looking ahead of himself again. There was something to be carefully considered about the way that questions had been asked, and Timothy readily guessed it - or decided why he disliked it - before he at last turned back to Caleb...

Coming to some undisclosed conclusion, Timothy's posture changed suddenly. The boy was no longer cautious, no longer searching.. he walked with ease and came a few steps nearer to Caleb without the slightest hesitancy.

"Look," Timothy said, and he met eyes with Caleb. "We're playing a game, aren't we? We're pretending there's something in the woods, and we're hunting it. But you've got to be quiet or it will run away. You keep your eyes open, and I'll look for other signs."

Timothy immediately turned back to his surroundings after he had spoken and resumed whatever he had been doing before, crouching near the grown and attuning himself to the forest.

Everything had grown darker, and colder, but above the boughs the evening light still youthfully abounded, so Timothy rightly attributed the increasing shadows to a small cloud-cover passing over, and thus of little consequence to himself or his friend.


Caleb stiffened as Timothy looked at him, then walked over. Timothy's ability to change like a chameleon frightened him a bit. The boy kept sending him mixed signals, like a naive girl, and Caleb wasn't sure how to deal with the confusion he felt. Although Timothy was obviously younger, Caleb couldn't help but feel obliged to duck his head slightly in the boy's presence. He didn't know what, but Caleb did know something was off about the boy standing in front of him. Usually Caleb was passive and nonchalant, but now he was on alert, afraid to fully trust this boy until he fully proved it.

Caleb felt his ear muscles tighten as they wiggled back to flatten as much as they could against his head. If he were a dog, it would have looked like a submissive action. He took a step back, managing somehow to continue eye contact with the piercing turquoise pools that were Timothy's eyes. The dread still stirred around Caleb's body, fluttering nauseously in the pit of his stomach. When Timothy turned around to resume his search, Caleb felt like he was still standing before him.

I'm being pettish and naive, Caleb thought, scolding himself mentally. How could I possibly accuse this boy I do not know of anything?! What am I thinking?" he shouted in his mind, slapping himself psychically for his foolishness. He shook his head in real life, trying to clear his body, but the dread still swirled around. It must be the time of day that's making me this way Caleb tried to reason with himself. He had never been a fan of the dark.

Caleb bent down to the ground, copying Timothy's position. He scanned the ground for signs of life, seeing only a few ants and various insects going about their business in the leaf litter. Caleb knew he needed to be serious, instead of childish. He was legally an adult, anyhow. Caleb thumbed his camera gently, attempting to avoid crunchy leaves and twigs as he tried to make up for his commotion earlier. He found a few deer prints leading out of the area, but didn't think much of them as he continued to search. He milled over all the little things, then stood up, brushing off a few leaves from the bottom of his pants.

He gazed around the area, but did not notice anything out of the ordinary until it hit him like a brick. The silence was almost as deafening as standing next to a jet engine as it turned on. Caleb's head had still spun and felt slightly disoriented until he stood still. No noise emanated from the forest anymore, not even from Timothy. Though he was only a few feet away, he couldn't hear the boy breathing, or his footsteps as he crouched and shifted. I wonder who taught him how to do that?Caleb pondered admiringly. Caleb only knew that kind of silence and skill in expert animal predators. He soon became self-conscious at his own breathing, which seemed to be too loud in the noise void in their area. The dread grew a little bit within him, not so much for Timothy, but rather the forest itself.


Timothy continued to move among the bramble with silent ease. Still aware of Caleb behind him who was now doing his best to help, Timothy took pause to debate his next course of action.

Looking over his shoulder carefully, Timothy narrowed his eyes at Caleb.

Timothy could sense Caleb's fear, and in truth some part of him felt empathy for his friend, because he himself had often felt afraid since having come to live with the Calagathorm pack. But there was yet another part of Timothy, the part that was more awake and aware in these woods, that could not be made to feel. Caleb was more of a hindrance than a help, and even with all Timothy's tactical cunning, he could not see a part for Caleb to play in the event of confrontation, outside of a lure or diversion.

Yet it was perhaps neither of the aforementioned that gave Timothy pause, rather it must have been a quiet feeling that came abruptly of its own accord to prick Timothy's conscience that caused him to consider his actions.

What consequences would come of ignoring this feeling? Timothy felt sure it would be severe, for he was leading Caleb into danger quite knowingly. Yet for none other had he ever felt the need to hesitate, others were not himself, and none of the other pack members followed him so innocently as did Caleb.

If this were a werewolf, would Timothy be feeling this same way?

In the end, for some reason quite incomprehensible to Timothy... he did not want Caleb to be hurt.

So, standing up straight quite suddenly after some time of consideration, Timothy leveled eyes with Caleb again. This time, there was a more genuine display of interest in his eyes... and almost one of regret.

"Maybe... it's real." Timothy said slowly after a moment. "And maybe... it's hunting us. You should go back."


No sooner had Timothy spoken when then he became aware of something in the forest behind him, and that fact made his mind up for him - Timothy couldn't wait for Caleb to argue.

"No, you know what, - forget it." Timothy said suddenly, his eyes became hard and his voice sounded impatient and angry. " The field is back that way. You can't keep up anyway. Just leave."

Timothy withdrew two steps backward and shook his head, motioning with his chin in the direction they had come.

Before Caleb would have the chance to come back with a response, or perhaps even understand what was happening, Timothy turned and ran off into the woods!


Timothy wouldn't look back. He said the only thing he believed Caleb would listen to that might make him leave, and played the part to convince. Hopefully Caleb would be too angry now to follow after him, but even if he tried, Timothy knew Caleb would not be able to keep up.

Running with all his might, Timothy made his getaway fast and sure. He did not know if Caleb would find his way out, and he tried to persuade himself not to care. But the truth remained... even if it was not made known.

"He'll get out if he's smart..." The thought was not very comforting as Timothy remembered the boy throwing himself through the woods in a panic after being left behind the first time. "You can't do this. - Yes, you can, it's not your fault if he can't make his way in the woods. But I brought him here. So? He shouldn't have been on the territory. He's safer if I leave him behind..."

In all his time in the pack, Timothy had proved himself faster then others of greater agility, and if nothing else he was expert at dodging pursuit; Timothy made indefinitely sure there would be no way Caleb could catch him now. But thoughts are a harder thing to ensure, and Timothy struggled to aim his in the same direction as his feet...


This RP continues in "Echoes Of The Past" page 12...

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