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Blowing in the Wind (SP-RP6) 04/2015

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This role play is to take place during the same timeline as the role play Werewolves RP6 Echoes from The Past, branching from that role play on page 2, until the time it ties back in on page 12.


Timothy had entered the house as instructed by the Alpha, went straightway to the kitchen for a cold glass of water, which he collected from the faucet and then proceeded to refill two or three more times.

The drink was refreshing, but not in the way that Timothy would have liked to have been satisfied. So, frustrated with the lack of emotional relief, he swiftly set the glass aside and abruptly dunked his entire head under the bitterly cold water! Involuntarily he gasped from the shock of it, but anger made his determination, and perhaps as some form of outlet he remained under the running water for a good moment or two before swinging his head up and allowing the water to run down his neck and drip all over his back and shoulders.

Not quite satisfied, but significantly cooled in body and temper by the experience, Timothy shut off the water and stared out the kitchen window at Zeit's quiet pastures. This particular window faced to the east, and if he cared to look, he would have seen the corner of the apple orchards on the hill and perhaps even seen Kratos go up the path to it. But Timothy was not interested in noticing these things, and was lost in his own vacant thoughts when a sound met his ears...


"Can you please come see me?" Ivory questioned, anxiousness in her voice. Caleb sighed.

"How am I going to get there Iv? I have next to no money and I don't have much of an idea where you are." He replied, exasperated as he hit his head back against the wall.

"Mom and dad -er- Evan and Maria offered to pick you up! They even want you to stay with us. They said as long as you work and make an effort to get some place of your own, you can stay with us" she smugly told him. The fact that her voice brightened was unmistakable. Caleb lovingly stroked his camera, which was settled in his lap.

"Okay," he tentatively let her know. She began excitedly squeeing through the phone. He made a half-smile, and hung up.

He wondered how long it took her "parents" to get her to stop.


Caleb stretched one long leg out of the car, then the other. He stood up and extended his arms up to the sky. He shook out his legs. The long car ride to Reknab Bend served to make his long body sore and cramped. Evan stepped out of the truck as well. He shook Caleb's hand firmly again.

"Thank you for your hospitality and allowing me to come stay with you." he thanked him and smiled widely. He went around to the back of the truck, and grabbed out the couple of bags full of the meager amount of clothes he owned. He turned around to go into the big house that awaited him, when a force smashed into his stomach from the front.

Caleb dropped his bags immediately, and stumbled a step backwards, the breath knocked out of him.

"Ivory!" a motherly voice called from the doorway of the house, "Give him a chance to get in! If you're not careful, your excitement is going to drown him before you can catch up together!"

She separated from him, her grin spreading all the way across her face. Caleb picked up his bags and looked down at her. She was a great combination of mom and dad. He gave her the half-smile reserved for when he really meant it.

"Hey Iv" he said calmly. They walked inside together and she showed him all around the house.


It was late that night when Caleb finally went to sleep. Iv had to go to school tomorrow and Maria had made sure she went to bed early o get a good night sleep. He liked the woman, all full of spunk and still sweet as sugar. She made fantastic enchiladas, he noted. He looked out the guest room window into the night sky and sighed. He was so tired of himself, of everything.


The next day he decided to go look for some odd jobs while Ivory was at school. The slender girl hadn't wanted to leave so she could stay and catch up with Caleb, but he was the one who had given her enough mojo to go. She had frowned and pouted as she was driven away, but he shook his head at her and told her that she needed to do it.

Caleb had brought his camera so he could take pictures of the picturesque little town around him. Reknab Bend was very small, compared to the big city with the foster home he had been at. He yawned, and went up the drive to the first ranch he came to. Nobody ended up being there, so he moved on.

He continued like this for a while, and became quite tired. He had seen an ad for help at a ranch owned by someone named Zeit Chandler. He yawned again as he started walking up the long driveway to the ranch. He could see an orchard of some sort off to the side, and he saw that the ranch was sprawling out.

He passed by a few paddocks and a barn, where he thought he heard people talking, before he came to a main house. He walked up the steps, one if them giving a loud creak as he stepped on it. He winced at the noise.

"Oops," he whispered as he came onto the porch. He sighed as he lifted his knuckles to the door. Four rejections already. He hoped it wouldn't be a fifth.

Caleb took a deep breath and knocked firmly.


Timothy's eyes and ears were focused down the hall. He had turned away from the faucet when he had heard the knock, and he wondered who it was that had come up to the back door when the front was already unlocked...

Something inside him seemed inclined toward caution and alarm at this occurrence, but consciously Timothy reasoned that there was really no cause that he should feel this way. The air inside the cottage smelled like Zeit. Soaps, laundry detergents, household fragrances, and of course the notable smell of large animals on the ranch were all things linked directly in Timothy's mind to the way the Beta smelled all the time. Therefore, what was the cause for alarm?

Timothy sighed carelessly and proceeded out of the kitchen to the back door. His intention was to unlock the door and let whoever it was in, and perhaps leave at the same time, but it was not a few moments later when suddenly a greater sense of alarm came over him. There was a smell, too faint to be readily recognized, yet also too unfamiliar not to be detected. He halted and stared at the door.

There was a decision to be made here...

Taking a glance over his shoulder Timothy knew he was alone in the house. Then slowly he looked again to the door, and he reached forward. A firm hand took hold of the nob, and with a strange confidence the door was opened.

It would be hard to describe the internal conflict that arose and subsided in Timothy's calculative mind during those few brief seconds. Yet in order to understand the conclusion, one would need to have seen beyond what was readily apparent; In short, there was a change in Timothy since the last full moon. This change was subtle, like a small shift beneath the earths surface, unseen and unfelt by anything but the earth herself. Yet that shift would have much greater effects in days to come, and the impact would be felt far and wide.

Timothy now stood staring out upon the stranger without expression. His dark turquoise eyes glistened unnaturally for a single moment, but otherwise his appearance was that of a regular seventeen year old boy with unkempt hair and clothes.


Caleb retracted his hand from the door just as it creaked open in front of him. He tensed up as the door revealed a boy close to his age inside. Caleb was normally laid back, but the cautious way that the boy had opened the door made him slightly nervous. He stood near Caleb's height, and the boy's turquoise eyes glittered with curiosity and caution. Caleb knew the look, he had sported it for a while whenever he had met a new friend his whole life.

Caleb stroked his camera nervously. He gave an unsure half smile and tiny, half-hearted wave to the boy. He shifted uneasily in place.

"Um hello," he began, "I'm Caleb and I have come by to see if I can help answer your 'help wanted' ad. I'm new in town, don't think I'll be here forever, but I would love to work and earn my keep here," he finished, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

He absentmindedly scuffled his feet on the front porch, running a hand through his hair as he waited for an answer from the boy.

"I...I promise I can work well. I...I used to work odds and ends jobs so I can do a lot." He gave another uneasy half smile.


Timothy for a moment was unmoving, not stiffly, but rather calculatedly. Visual assessment was the least of much which went unsaid before he took a step forward and seemed more confident. Those first few moments though brief were significant, and would influence the rest of the interaction.

"What do you want to help with?" Timothy said, though the tone in his voice was dark it was not cold. He didn't inquire as to why Caleb had come to the back door to ask about an ad, and he considered only lightly the fact that the Beta Zeit had not requested outsider help to his knowledge. Nonetheless Timothy stepped forward causally, and seemingly perfectly at ease, past Caleb onto the back porch and out of the house. The door was closed behind him and he glanced over his shoulder out of the corner of his eye.

Jumping off the porch, Timothy landed on the ground behind, and turned to look back at Caleb. Almost it felt like he was beckoning Caleb to follow, but there was not the slightest gesture to hint at such.


Caleb quizzically stared at the boy. He hadn't revealed his name yet, and left Caleb wondering. He seemed to have an inner conflict on how to act. Caleb pulled on his earlobe uncomfortably, a nervous habit he had picked up somewhere along the road.

He flinched at the way the boy's voice rolled out deep and emotionless. Caleb could tell he wasn't much older than this boy, yet he seemed to know a lot of things that Caleb didn't. The way he looked at Caleb made him feel insignificant and unintelligent. Something in the boy's eyes burned into Caleb. It wasn't fear. He couldn't really put a name to the feeling the boy gave him. He knew he felt kind of like a lab animal, however.

Caleb quickly stepped to the side as the boy exited the house and closed the door sharply behind him. Caleb was growing increasingly wary and uneasy around this boy and this place. He wasn't sure he even wanted a job here anymore. He knew he needed it, so he breathed deeply and clutched his camera right for a moment. He stood there as the boy jumped off the porch and landed on the ground.

The way the boy looked back at him was entirely blank. Caleb couldn't tell if he was about to run off and abandon him or stand there until Caleb joined him. He stood there for a few moments, and shrugged. He went down next to the boy, titling his sunglasses down over his eyes. The world crisped with tones of yellow and brown. He sighed. Caleb looked at the boy, his unwavering gaze unsettled Caleb even further. He wondered if the boy had any idea about his feelings or just liked to make people uncomfortable. He looked back at the house, and witnessed a beautiful fluffy cloud halo the log cabin. He quickly turned on his camera, and snapped a few shots before the cloud was out of sight. He shut it off just as quickly, turning back to the boy.

"I can do a lot of different work. I have experience with horses and some animals. My aunt was a veterinarian and I spent a lot of time at her clinic. She taught me a lot about how to care for animals. My uncle and my mom were both great cooks, and I know a bit about cooking now. Umm...yeah. Anywhere you need me I can probably figure out a way to help." He diverted his gaze to the ground, clinking fast a few times. He felt the boy's gaze preset, never lifting. He felt confronted, and Caleb was really bad with confrontation.


Timothy watched Caleb for a few more moments. He took note of the little camera the other boy had, then casually looked off at the fields behind the ranch.

While Caleb talked, Timothy was glancing around at the yard and trees, almost as if he were looking for something or someone, however there was no hesitation to reply once Caleb had finished.

"Do you know anything about wolves?" He said, and Timothy looked at Caleb again, this time in a different sort of way. He appeared both intent and aloof all at once, so it was hard to know what he meant. The question was simple, and rather peculiar given everything Caleb had already said about himself, but Timothy made it sound as if the answer to this question was the only thing that really mattered...

Of course, there was a moment for reflection before Caleb would have to reply, during which Timothy looked up at the mountain some ways behind the fields. From the treeline at the base to the great overhanging stone at the peak, Timothy's eyes turned upward upon Phantom mountain and conveyed a silent message to the looming giant before him. Then a moment later he looked at Caleb again, this time a bit more genuinely.


Caleb shifted his eyes around to the forest and surrounding area as the other boy spoke. He felt a cool tingling creep into his toes and fingers. As uneasy as he already was, it was getting worse. He tried to see where the other boy was looking, realizing that maybe something was out there in the woods. He felt dread creep in slowly, his stomach twisting and writhing like it wanted to escape. Caleb returned his eyes quickly to the boy once he had finished talking.

Wolves? Caleb wondered, his brows furrowing as he frowned while he pondered. Why would wolves be important?

He looked back at the boy as he wondered, scratching along his jaw and the back of his head under his hair. He noticed that the boy was looking at him more intently than ever. His eyes sparkled with interest, yet there was a danger held there. Caleb felt the dread become more prominent. The boy's eyes held almost a....hunger. It was like Caleb's answer would hold the resolution to any problem in the universe. He pondered a moment longer. He did actually know a lot about wolves. He chose his words carefully.

"Well as I said, I spent a lot of time at my aunt's clinic. Her favorite animal was a wolf. Where she lived, she was able to volunteer at a local zoo that had a very small pack of wolves and she sometimes took me with her. She told me all about behavior and wolves themselves. I went through that phase, became quite a wolfaboo-" he stopped a moment. Why was he telling the boy all this?! He shook his head. "Umm anyways, yeah. I used to think in terms of specific hierarchy, but my aunt taught me that it's more of a social unit, like a family. Wolf packs are just a few generations leading down. The "alphas" are the parents, who make babies and then those babies make more babies who end up being the "lowest" in the pack. Rarely do outsiders come in to challenge ranks or take over a pack. Babies will leave the pack so it doesn't become too large of a pack, and will start their own pack or packs. It's based a lot off of relationships and instinct, because they are animals. Also, wolves are in the Canidae family, which includes dogs. I think there's more, but I don't know if it's worth sharing, or it's common knowledge," he said sheepishly. He titled his head down, fondled his camera for a moment and still had his hand up in his hair.

He looked to the mountain, where the boy had looked only moments ago. To him, the towering sharp form looked like a spear ready to impale him. Caleb shuddered, feeling like it was going to impale him. It seemed foreboding, and he didn't like it. Almost as quickly as he had looked up, Caleb looked back to the boy. His eyes had softened and still glimmered, but didn't feel like steak knives. Caleb felt his mouth go into a further frown, wondering if he had answered incorrectly.


Timothy listened, and as he listened he turned a smile and looked around at the house in a brief circle before returning his gaze to Caleb. Once again it almost seemed like he were looking for something, but obviously there was no one present but the two of them, and somehow that seemed to please him.

"Alright, alright." He said, still smiling broadly as now he approached Caleb in a more friendly manner. "I'm not sure if all that is right, but what do I know about wolves? I'm Timothy."

The boy partly laughed as it appeared he became more at ease. He didn't extend his hand to Celeb, but he was clearly more pleasant now than he was a moment ago. Strange, that it seemed he had completely changed from what he was prior to that moment - it was as if suddenly caution became invisible in his manner, all that remained was too seldom to be noticed while affability had utterly replaced all else.

The change was enough to help anyone take courage when talking to him, and that was all well to Timothy who still observed his new acquaintance now passively.

"Where are you from?" He asked, "And what's with that?"

Timothy extended his hand to inquire after the camera that Caleb held, and looked again at Caleb carefully though unreserved.

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