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Bianca Eleanor Chapman




Age: 18 (November 29th, 1978)

Bloodline: Full Blood

Background: Bianca is the oldest from a family of two sisters, two half sisters and a half brother. When Bianca was barely twelve, her mother Rebecca Chapman disappeared and is assumed dead to this day. Her father Perceval had cut ties with Bianca's maternal family a year before, divorcing Rebecca when Bianca was eleven, and moved across the country where he remarried and had her half brother and sisters.

At the age of sixteen, Bianca requested she live with her grandfather, Bob Chapman. The request was granted and she moved back to Middlecrest to finish highschool and took on the Chapman name.

Having originally wanted to be an EMT, and quickly deciding it wasn't for her, Bianca graduated high school early to study werewolf physiology and psychology so she could follow in her mothers footsteps. Her grandfather convinced her the best way to do that was to be involved in a pack and see werewolves of different backgrounds collaborating, and having some knowledge of the Calagathorm pack, recommended she see them.

Personality: Generally upbeat, sociable and friendly - but Bianca has recently discovered a lot of anxiety. She often compares herself to her mother, who had a bold nature and was unafraid of everything, but the reality is that she takes after her father who is more closed off and cynical of the world around him. This creates a lot of turmoil in Bianca, in not living up to her expectations of herself.

Still, she tries to put her anxieties away to care for her companions.

Human Description: Bianca is average height and weight, at 5'5", with straw blonde hair and blue eyes. Her skin is light but tans to a soft gold in the summer. Before leaving home, she often wore feminine colors and clothes, such as dresses and skirts. Since joining the Calagathorm, she tends to wear mostly sneakers, high waist jeans and tshirts or sweatshirts.

How She Came to Join the Pack: Her grandfather recommended she join the pack, and coming with high hopes she sought entry which was granted to her. She has been since given the title of Den Mother.




Character Trivia

  • Bianca has quite a lot of money saved on a bank card that she received after her first transformation. (Just kidding - she used this all up in Where the Moon Meets the Mountain to help prepare the pack for winter)
  • Bianca owns a red moped named Bebop. She still has this, however it's not suited for the drive up and down the mountain, so it remains parked somewhere at Zeit's ranch.
