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Awoken (Logan: Backstory)

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Nature of the Story: Canon Event

Timeline: Two weeks preceding and the days of December 24th-25th, 1996

Narrative Summary: Logan begins a shift patrolling the border of her village. Meanwhile, Ujuraq sets out from his pack to seek the aid of the Midnight Sun Pack.. the two fates converge together on the night of the full moon.

Original Document: Google Docs Link


  The wind was fierce outside.

The brick house felt none of the anger of it. It stood, unshaken. The fire in the hearth of the main room warmed the small space; that which consisted of only a main room, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen.

Laid out on a bed, too small for it’s occupant, were layers of clothes. On a wall in the little room was a shawl of white elk fur. Mounted shelves held various wood carvings, different knives (each for various purposes), portraits--none of them with her--were displayed among other trinkets, both functional and decorative. On a hook by the door hung a backpack.

There was a black watch and a leather billfold on a nightstand. Above that same nightstand was a calendar; although it was not all in English, the current month was the same in both languages.

The date indicated was December 24th, of the year 1996. Today was “Stedry Den”, the Generous Day, or Christmas Eve.

Propped up on a stand behind the door were two rifles, always cleaned, always loaded. Logan had purchased one, a newer model that had a scope-but she preferred the first one given to her by Vincent, which was familiar.

Layer by layer, Logan prepared for the long night. Her shift started at six in the evening, and ended at six in the morning. It didn’t matter the time of day, for during this season, it was always dark. The exception was on clear nights, when the Aurora Borealis lit the starry night sky in hues of greens, reds, purples and blues.

It paid her a little, but more than money, it gave her a sense of purpose and pride.

The livestock were the lifeblood of Blackridge; without them, the few citizens who stubbornly called this little village home would have no choice but to leave. Liam and his father provided enough for Logan and Vincent, and occasionally would deliver game for the butcher, but it would not be enough to replace the cattle should their breeding stock be injured or killed.


 An infant cried.

The mother drew it in close to her chest, swaddled there against the warmth of her body in soft cloth, and blanketed in fur. The oldest daughter cradled her toddler brother on her hip, while the oldest boy looked on at his father with eager, yellow eyes; starkly contrasted against his warm complexion.

The hunting had not been as good as in previous years, and the Alpha was concerned that the winter would be long. Scouting efforts had proved mostly fruitless. For whatever reason, the herds had fled into one territory or the next.

The celebrations that the scout’s pack held this year were less in number, and even so, the stored meat would not be sustainable throughout the remainder of winter. To risk running out of meat would be a tragedy, one that must be prevented at all costs. Already there was a restlessness growing, and the urgency of the matter could no longer be ignored.

Ujaraq looked on his family fondly, and took the toddler in his arms, kissing his chubby red cheeks. He ruffled the black hair of his older son's head, and bid him to take care of  his mother and siblings.

It was the command of the Alpha that he would leave on this day to send word of their troubles, and plead for aid on behalf of the pack. His family would be looked after by the Beta’s, and the journey was only two weeks in full.

Ujuraq had spent the days preparing, and promised to return swiftly. The full moon was in a week, and it weighed on him that he might not be present to guide his older daughter through her first transformation, should it be deigned on her. Yet the duty was for his family, and all of the pack.

Under a sky of green and yellow ribbons, he departed...



...... Clothed head to toe in heavy warm clothes and suitable gear, Logan was prepared for the night. She wore a clava, multiple coats, layers of socks and gloves; all designed to withstand the freezing temperatures they faced almost year round.

The cold never affected her as it appeared to affect others, so it was all the more important that she take precautions against it.

With her tall, muscular build and the dark clothing, she looked like a soldier, and nobody would know her from a man.

Her dinner of hot stew and herbal tea was poured into thermos’, which were packed away in a lunch bag. The rifle was slung over her back in a waterproof case.

Vincent slept in the main room, and so she was always careful to prepare for her shifts silently. Even this early in the evening, he was already at rest for the night.

Logan stoked the fire and took a long look at him. He slept more and more in his old age. The cold, he said, made his joints ache terribly, and all there was for it was rest. She had once dared to suggest they move further south, where the winters would be easier for him to bear, but he was stubborn and unconvinced.

Rakiram, Liam’s father, had also tried to convince him to move in to his household, that he might have the care of his physician and someone to watch over him constantly. That suggestion he also rejected, in his obstinate pride. There was no arguing it; these brick walls would be his final place of rest.

She had no choice-she told Liam that she would not be joining him in his family house until Vincent had passed away.

Why did he stay here, when his family had long moved to the southern united states? Logan heard the stories in fragments, but never enough to piece together the reason his wife and children left. Who among them lived? Would they want to know about their ailing father and husband?

These were the thoughts Logan took with her to keep her company on this night.



   The two hundred mile trek from the border of his pack into the heart of Rakiram’s territory would prove a dangerous challenge in the depths of winter.

Yet there was promise with it. No sooner did Ujaraq pass into the territory boundary, did he begin to see signs of wildlife; herds of elk, caribou, musk ox, and large moose, among other suitable prey animals. What drove them to further east during the season, he could not discern, but that they had not gone far outside of the territory was reassuring.

If only they had the word, they could run herds into their own territory and have food for the winter. Their sister pack was generous. It would be a small ask, as he did not come to plead for the aid of the hunters, or to have the game delivered. They would take only what they needed to survive.

For seven days, he went on paw and foot, and knew the way by heart. The faces of his family drove him forward, while the thoughts of his pack inspired him and warmed his spirit.

The timing of his arrival would put him in the midst of the Celebrations - they would be celebrating both the full moon, and the passing of the Winter Solstice - all good things, as the shortest day of the year had gone by. The days of darkness would come to an end in a month, and while the winter would not yet be over, the first light of the sun was a time of new hope and promise.

Perhaps these celebrations were the reason that Ujuraq did not meet a scout at the border. The territory was large, and even with many scouts, you might not always find one.

The night that he arrived, the winds were biting and fierce, picking up speed along the ridge of the mountain bordering the northern part of the territory. Yet it was better to follow the ridge to the east than to deviate from it, where the same winds would swoop into the valleys unhindered and find their speed.

Rakiram’s pack, The Pack of the Midnight Sun, made their home in the valley on northeast end of the range, with the little immigrant village of Blackridge making the northernmost point. Meanwhile, Ujuraq’s tribe, “The Aksarnirq Pack”, claimed the westernmost end of the mountain range and to the south.

He did call, to alert them of his presence, but no reply came over the wind and snowdrifts.



   At nine square miles, most of which was farm acreage, Logan could pace the border several times in a shift.

There was a small brick structure--not much bigger than a hunting blind--on the southern end of the village. The only comforts it offered were a stool and a portable heater. It served as a place to shelter from the elements, to eat and to rest; it was minimal and practical.

If the patrols went well, the patrolman was allowed an hour's reprieve at the halfway point of their night, typically around midnight. Some watchmen brought books or alcohol and camped out the whole night there-after all, nobody would be the wiser. Logan, on the other hand, rarely took advantage of the shelter.

There was always a deafening silence brought on by the thick snow that blanketed the earth. Even the wind coming over the mountains was not so terrible to hear on most nights. And yet tonight, Logan was keenly aware of every sound. Even with the tree line a half mile from her current post, she believed could hear the over encumbered branches of a fir dropping their weight onto the earth below. Elsewhere, an eagle shuffled in her nest. Every time there was a sound, she found herself looking and expecting it to be near; but there was only a sea of white around her.

Earlier that day, she had believed even from her room she could hear Vincent breathing, and his heart beating, but knew it to be impossible. Now she wondered at it. The world was loud, and brighter than any night she had known. Her body ached, while her bones felt like they contained ice and fire. The woman wanted to crawl out of every layer and her flesh itself.

Seldom in her youth did she fall ill, and this was certainly some ailment that would pass.

Nonetheless, it urged her to take rest, and so on this night, she made her way to the post house. When she arrived, she ate, but was not content to stay within the four walls-which felt smaller than usual, and confined. The air in the little brick space was thick and musty in spite of the frigid temperatures, and she could smell the alcohol and all of the odors of the last watchman who was present. The smell of vodka nauseated her, so instead of resting in the warmth of the structure, she took the stool and sat outside on the wall opposite the wind.

It was a dangerous thing to sleep in the cold, and it took some effort to fall asleep against all of the sensations of her body; but fall asleep she did, with her rifle at her side and her head bowed into her chest.



   Ujaraq kept his distance from the little village, but as it went from the west to the east of the mountain range, he would pass by it on the south, for the foothills bordered the northernmost end.

However, as he came downwind of that central most point, he became aware of something he could not ignore.

Carried on the wind coming from the north to the south over the mountains, he caught the scent of a werewolf, one who was not one of Rakiram’s. That scent was near the border of the village. A rogue on the full moon so close to humans set his heart racing. How did a rogue get so far into the territory unnoticed?

It was not his place to handle loners on Rakiram’s territory-yet could he in good conscience walk away from it with the moon so close? If there was not a scout or else anyone else looking out to prevent it, the town would be ravaged. He did not have time to retrieve a member of Rakiram’s pack to investigate.

Ujuraq took it upon himself to see who intruded on their territory, and threatened the little immigrant town.

Now as he approached, he settled the pace of his heart, and brought his breathing to a low speed. His footsteps in the snow were undetectable, and he came upon the sleeping woman with a question in his heart and uncertainty in his soul. In spite of her thick garments, he knew her to be a woman, and by her scent, one from the village. He might have caught the faintest scent of his sister pack on her, and decided he must take her before Rakiram for the Alpha to decide-it would be the only way to both protect the village and avoid creating conflict.

He stood on his hind legs and towered over her. He would need to act quickly to render her unconscious-but he did not expect her to awaken and act faster still...!



   Logan’s eyes shot open, and before she could reason the situation, her rifle was at her shoulder, and two shots were fired! The sound was deafening in her ears and in the ears of her attacker.

Ujuraq recoiled, both bullets hitting their mark, and swept a clawed hand to disarm her! He caught her shoulder and the blow dislocated it, while his thick dark claws caught and easily cut through the layers of material, before reaching flesh and bone. Logan was thrown into the snow with a cry, and her weapon tossed feet from her.

She would not stay down long. The woman found her feet and lunged for the rifle!

Ujuraq bled from the head and the collarbone, and in his vision he saw red while his world spun-but he still knew he must restrain the woman. She was strong, and reacted faster than he anticipated-already she was reaching for the weapon when he dove and caught her by the calf to pull her from it!

It was too late. He didn't see she had caught the strap of the firearm...

As he drug her under his torso, she twisted around; she had the weapon again and as Ujuraq bent to incapacitate her, she fired three shots in succession, one after another, and each into his heart.

The first two would been enough, and he was gone from the world before the third pierced that giant instrument... when he collapsed, Logan was pinned under his body.

She struggled to free herself, and the weapon was left under his torso. The snow was stained with blood, her body covered in it, and all Logan could hear was her heart pounding with the ferocity of a war drum in her chest. The blood was sent roaring in her eyes, her vision was dim around the edges.

Attempting to steel her gaze upon the monster she felled, she thought it was odd that he wore clothes but could not long focus on it... with every powerful beat of her heart she felt as though it were going to come out of her chest or explode, and actively fought the sensation of world being swept out from under her.

Her body was on fire, although she did not believe she had been fatally injured. In her delirium, she ripped off the mask and the hats she wore, and still her head burned.

What if there were others? She could not draw them into the town... she began through the snow and with the wind lambasting her from one side, called out in a desperate voice for the only person who she wanted in that moment, although she did not know why, or that it was instinct that drove her to find him.



   It was providence, that Liam had felt compelled to check on the little village that evening; he did not know why, yet there was an urgency in his soul as he pardoned himself from the celebrations.

He came upon Ujuraq’s body just past midnight. The bloody scene he discovered told a grim story, and caused his heart to sink.

In sorrow and worry, he carried the body of the fallen man to the treeline; all that would be left in the morning would be the garments he wore. Those would need to be collected to be returned to his family.

For now, there was another matter that needed his attention.

Liam followed the trail left by Logan, and was surprised to find that she had gone away from the village, not into it... instead, she had reached the treeline to the east of the village. Along the way, she had shed most of her outer garments. Coats, gloves, and even her boots were found in the snow following her path of travel.

When he found her, she was not as he had seen her last; not only was she covered in blood, but blue-gray fur replaced her tan skin. She was unconscious, shaking from head to toe, and her breathing and heart rate were not consistent.

She would not remember being carried back into the house of his father, and brought before Liam’s pack. Nor would she hear the discussion they had regarding her fate. She would likewise not recall how they mended her wounds and clothed her, or the herbal concoctions they forced into her belly...



     “Ujuraq, the scout of our sister pack, is dead.” Liam said, on one knee and with his head bowed. To his father, he presented the garments of the fallen man, which were wrapped neatly in a bundle.

Rakiram had smelled the blood of their ally on his future daughter in law when she first arrived... he had sympathy for her condition as she lay on the mat by the fire, covered in her own fur and the thick furs and hides laid atop her. She was improving rapidly, but it was evident that she had nearly succumbed to the first transformation.

Yet, he could not ignore the implications of what had occurred, and it was with a grim countenance he considered the next course of action. He looked from her still body, to his son, and turned his eyes out to his Beta's.

“I did not anticipate this, and it is a failure on my part; we did not think she would ever take on that which was deigned upon her by her father, although we had hoped, so that we might bring her into our world when she was younger, and not yet set in her ways." he spoke low, and slow.

"That it has caught us all unawares is a terrible misfortune; if we had expected it, this might have been prevented. Tonight, she has awoken into a new world.”

Rakiram continued to speak, and his Beta’s continued to listen quietly.

“It seems to her detriment that it occurred so late in life, but she will live.. for now.” he added the last words with weight, and sorrow.

At first, Liam was relieved, until the end of the sentence, at which point he looked upon his father with his white eyes full of concern. Rakiram did not meet his gaze.

“If we claim her as our own on this night, we have also claimed the blood of Ujuraq - the debt of which, must be repaid in kind. That is the law.”

His last words were firm, but there was pain in them-for Logan, and for his son, who began to tremble with fear and anguish.

How can that be? She does not know the law--any man would have done the same! She acted to protect herself!” his son spoke, suddenly and with growing vehemence. The words of his father had pierced and set ablaze his soul.

If she were only a man, Ujuraq would not have approached, of this I am certain. Regardless of circumstance, the outcome is the same. On this night, we have lost a brother, and a valuable member of his pack. They will demand her blood."

Now Liam lunged forward, to which the First Beta responded, pinning him. Liam did not intend to hurt his father, and Rakiram, knowing this, did not flinch-but his anger could no longer be ignored, with his hackles raised and his face turned into a snarl.

“That isn’t right!” he cried, struggling!

Liam,” his father said, softly, “it is the law. If we do not abide by it as we always have, and we make an exception because she is your betrothed, there will be cause for war. You must think of your pack.”

“She IS my pack!” he said, growling!

His father bowed his head in response, and waited for Liam to realize that therein lied the heart of the matter. As he began to consider his own words, the young man’s heart faltered, and he gave up the struggle, drawing himself onto his arms and knees.  A glance from Rakiram bid the First Beta to relinquish his hold as the young heir's tears fell freely between his arms.

“The best chance for her, is for her to find the pack of her father in the south... we will deliver the news to Ujuraq’s family, and see that the matter may yet be atoned for. If they give their blessing, and find no fault in her; you may go and seek her, come the spring.”

The words brought little comfort. Liam did not see how this was any less a sentence to death; in the dead of winter, and alone with no one to guide her, she would certainly perish. And if she did find her fathers pack, would they relinquish her later on? Would they accept her? Or would she go so far only for her tale to end at the threshold of their territory?

He couldn’t find the strength to voice his worries-and knew that his father’s mind would not be changed regardless.

With a glance, his father began to go past him, and his Beta’s moved to follow. However, the Alpha paused alongside his son.

“She may not survive the journey, but if she stays here, she will die; and we will have put the lives of others at stake for her. I do not believe she would wish that on us. Deliver her outside of the village come dawn, and instruct her. She will find her way... our paths are not carved in the roads of men, but in our hearts and souls.” he said, and at that word, departed.


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