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{Alpha} Kratos Shragron

Alpha Kratos Shragron

Werewolf blood-line:
-:- Half-blood -:-
Full-blood father, non-werewolf mother

Human blood-line:
Mixed race
African-American father, Eurasian mother


Kratos was conceived during a new moon and was born on a full moon in October. He became acquainted with racial prejudice at two years old. He grew up among the low class, was sometimes witness to brutality and violence, and was often a subject of ridicule and bullying as a child. At ten years old he began to exceed the stature of his peers. At thirteen years of age he showed signs of vitiligo. He was increasingly ostracized throughout his youth, and became exceedingly conscious of his appearance.

Kratos' parents were open with each other and expected that he would be a werewolf. In small ways, they helped him prepare, but Kratos was not told he was a werewolf and never saw his father during the full moon. When, after the age of twelve, Kratos showed no signs of the change, his parents began to believe he would not exhibit it - a belief that was further cultivated when Kratos reached sixteen without ever undergoing the change.

It was sometime between the age of sixteen and eighteen when Kratos saw Sabrina Sabres for the first time. She came to his school for a theatrical performance with other classmates. Although Kratos was studying classical ballet and dance at the time, the two never interacted. Kratos' impression of her was taken from hype around school and class gossip. He believed she was a famous Irish performer.

Throughout his teenage years, Kratos began to have an increasingly strained relationship with his father.

One night, after a particularly hard day at school, Kratos came home expecting his father to be "out for the full-moon". He found the house deserted of both his mother and father, and assumed his mother had gone with his father for the night. He went to his room, where he intended to climb out the window and rest on the roof. However, as he pulled back the curtain, the light and size of the moon surprised him. Even to the present day, Kratos regards it as bad luck to look at the moon before midnight.

Kratos' parents returned at dawn. When his father came into his room, he found Kratos standing stock-still. In three immediate consecutive changes, Kratos demonstrated his supernal mastery with terrified alarm. His father, at long last, was compelled to reveal his own secondary form to him. Thereafter, Kratos held his father in higher contempt.

Although Abravious was amazed by his son's unnatural gift, and believed he would do remarkable things, his own experience led him to be hard on Kratos. As he himself was aware of the dangers, he disciplined his son to have self-control. But his earnest and unrelenting teaching only deepened the divide between father and son.

Kratos mingled with street gangs and alcoholics in his early adulthood. He actively pursued a wild lifestyle, contrary to his father's will. He frolicked with boisterous men and women, placed himself in positions to take advantage of his gift, and spent his free time with substance abusers. However, for fear of his father, he never ultimately partook for himself. As strained as their relationship was, Kratos was ultimately unwilling to challenge his father.

Kratos' turning point came unexpectedly one night while four of his friends waited for him outside a late-night bar. Earlier, Kratos had been aware of another werewolf in the area, but said nothing about it. That night, his friends became severely intoxicated. They engaged in a riotous fistfight in the alleyway behind the bar. Their noise alarmed a homeless man who was sleeping in the back of the alley. The man turned out the werewolf, and his immediate alarm at the ruckus changed him. When Kratos arrived later that night, he discovered the bloodbath behind the bar and tracked the other werewolf to the rail-yard. He found the werewolf in human form, dead on the tracks, having stepped in front of a moving train. That event brought Kratos to the realization of Abravious' stern warnings. Later, when he recounted the event to Kale Cooper, Kratos told the story as if he had been present.

Immediately after the event, Kratos got on a train and left Pinerich city. He was twenty-one years old and spent the next seven years trying to find himself. A majority of that time was spent in the wilderness between obscure towns. At one point, Kratos investigated the relationships of a wild wolf pack and spent some time observing them. Eventually, after coming to terms with himself, Kratos determined to seek other werewolves and teach them what came so naturally to him.


Kratos is both a gentle giant and a brutal titan. He can be hard and fast and forward, or patient, slow and philosophical. He is a man of precision and contradiction; a leader that both inspires and bewilders his followers.

Physical description:
Gender: Male
Age: 29
DoB: Oct. 6th 1968
Height: 7'3"
Face: Broad
Nose: Narrow
Eyes: Small
Other physical traits:
Full vitiligo
Non-pathological giant
Werewolf description:
Fur: Black w/ red
Size: 4.6' at shoulder
Markings: White-tipped ears, and eye stripe.

How the Pack was Founded:

Having wandered for seven years around the country, Kratos finally turned homeward. Rather than re-enter the city where his worst mistakes were made, however, Kratos came to the small town north of it. Reknab Bend was smaller than all its closest neighbors by far, but its position at the edge of the wilderness was promising.

On the night of his arrival, Kratos met not one but four other werewolves in a single night. The first was Kale Cooper, a homeless woman from the city. The second was Zeit Chandler, the daughter of a landowner in the rural town of Reknab Bend. The third was Kiton Andonauts, a veteran from a werewolf militia in Australia. The last was Marcus, a fellow vagabond.

After a midnight race through the woods, which might have ended tragically if not for a warning from an anonymous stranger, the five werewolves made an conscious agreement to organize a pack. Kratos appointed himself as Alpha, which was accepted by the others without contest. Zeit offered her home as the base-territory of the pack, and thus became First Beta. Kale was the first member of the pack, therefore she became Second Beta. The other two took the title of Gamma without contest. The five of them were given the name "Calagathorm" by Kratos, who had learned the Laowl word from his father years ago.

Kratos established Phantom Mountain as the pack's home when he announced his claim two nights before the full moon. This announcement was heard by a rogue werewolf who had been living on Phantom Mountain, stealing cows and livestock from Reknab Bend. He revealed himself as Kratos' friend Gathen, the only survivor of the werewolf encounter in Pinerich. He challenged Kratos' claim for dominance in the area. He, in turn, was challenged by a mysterious new-comer: Sabrina Sabres, the daughter of a pack alpha in the ancient realm of Ireland. Kratos, at that time, did not recall where he had seen Sabrina before, nor did he know that she was sent by her pack to eliminate the terrorist Gathen.

In what later became a fight for their lives, Gathen was defeated by the Calagathorm Pack. Gathen slipped off the edge of the same chasm that might have claimed the life of the pack a few nights prior. That same morning, the pack made the discovery of Gathen's hideout, wherein they found a seventeen-year-old werewolf boy with no memory of his past. Kratos nicknamed the boy "Timothy" and took him into the pack. Thereafter, other werewolf victims and loners came trickling into the pack's territory from every direction.

(This character was created in Dec.2009 and has remained active since that time.)

Name and Ancestry:

Kratos first introduced himself to Calagathorm Beta Kale Cooper as "Samuel K. Clutch", a false identity.

His real surname "Shragron" means Old Cloth. It is the name Mávros Yiós, the first Svalnaglas Alpha, gave to his family line as a reference to his mother Ebony Brown's life in the 1870s.


Alpha Abravious was in his early thirties when he began a two year courtship with the then twenty-three year old Rosa Carvalho. Toward the expiration of those years, Abravious revealed his true nature as a werewolf and became engaged to Rosa.

The relationship, which was otherwise believed to be a short-lived affair, was given no notice by the Svalnaglas leaders. At the expiration of the two year period, however, Abravious' pack began to actively dissuade the union. Their attempts failing, the Svalnaglas began a campaign for Abravious to turn Rosa into a werewolf and thereby 'save the bloodline'. When he refused, other pack members attempted to harass Rosa for her forced consent to the change. One such attempt proved nearly fatal to Rosa, and Abravious abandoned his pack in favor of her.

Surprisingly, Alpha Abravious continued to live on pack territory among the low-class of Pinerich City, evading the knowledge of his pack for almost two decades.


Observations and Notable Facts:

  • In earlier role plays, Kratos wore brown contact lenses to reduce his "wolfish" appearance in human form.
  • Kratos wears six ties in his mane which symbolize the six Alphas that preceeded him.
  • The red cloak Kratos wears is called the "Alpha's Mantle" and has been passed down from father to son since Mávros Yiós.
    When Alpha Abravious bestowed it on Kratos, he relinquished his title and refused to use the name "Alpha" for himself everafter. Alhough Abravious confessed to destroying the mantle, its absence from Abravious' possession when he was discovered was later the cause of Beta Baltronan's suspicions of a hidden heir.
  • Kratos does not wear the mantle unless he intends to maintain a form for an extended period of time.
  • Kratos' black "change-uniform" was handmade for himself, and is worn casually in both forms. When accompanied by the "Alpha's Mantle", the change-uniform is reduced around the loins for freedom of movement.


  1. Alpha's Mantle:
    - hem; bears marks of cultural importance to the Svalnaglas pack.
  2. Ceremonial cuff:
    - reverse line pattern; indicates an expanse such as the sky or eternity.
    - 2 rows of six teeth; indicates dominion as represented by fangs and mountains.
    - silver circle; indicates the moon, or a single governing body.
    Overall: The cuff was made for the Svalnaglas Alpha and altogether represents power and leadership reigning forever.
  3. Ceremonial shin-guard & boot:
    - carved shin-guard; is made of wood that is culturally significant.
    - eight eyelets; represents places of entry or positions of power.
    - 2 rows of ten teeth; represents pack units in attack and defense.
    - downward arrow; indicates ability to suppress and destroy.
    Overall: The boot was made for the Svalnaglas Alpha and altogether represents the institution and government of Mávros Yiós' pack, both impenetrable and long-enduring.




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