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Alpha Interviews - Saber: Reasoning with Men & Wolves (SP-RP17/18)

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Saber stopped, but did little else to acknowledge Kratos' voice.

"My house is not free room and board." Kratos said. "You cannot stay here without contributing something to this pack."

All at once, the anger that had been carefully kept under the surface ignited in Saber's veins. His blood flowed and his heart pumped with a fury that could only be described as a volcano about to erupt. He tried to take a moment before speaking, but every breath released did nothing to calm the beast that had awakened.

" I don't want to stay here," Saber growled. " Am I allowed to leave?"

Kratos did not respond to Saber's anger.

"A man who can steal across a field in the dead of night and enter a secure building undetected asks if he can leave a den of wolves." Kratos turned his face toward Saber now and the light from the glass sliding door danced in his white hair.

"I control no man but he who is an enemy to us all. You have done no crime I would hold you for... at least not yet." Kratos stood from the table now.

"I deal in man's inner monster, and train only those who seek to become master of it. If that is not your desire then you may leave."

"Should a time come when you regret that choice, and blood is shed, we will not meet again." Kratos said. "Your prison is one of the mind and it is of your own making. Your choices have not been taken from you. Return to the human world and there will be those who can and will hold you accountable to man's petty laws, but as to the nature of the beast there is no prison that I know of. Death is the penalty for a slight offense."

"If you stay, you will glean much to aid in your survival. But you may leave at any time. The choice is yours."

Saber's black eyes grew violent.


The plate in his hands was thrown in anger, shattering on the kitchen floor. He yelled out in frustration.

A few hot breaths were taken, but his body still shook with the rage that filled it now. He turned back to find the kitchen counter top.


His fist met the counter as he cursed in Chinese before yelling again.

He tried to breath as he leaned against the counter, but continued letting out angry bitter words in his native language. A few more breaths, and he finally found better words to express the storm that was raging inside of him.

" None of you make any freaking sense!" He yelled. He muttered under his breath a few curses in English.

Soon, his hands found there way over his eyes, fingers through hair, as he continued to try to calm down, his chest rising and falling still with the anger which he carried.

Kratos watched Saber's tantrum unfold passively. He did not respond to the shattering plate or the aggressive assaults against the counter top, nor the angry words with which Saber lashed the air. He simply observed until Saber found coherent words for his frustration.

Then Kratos tilted his head down and moved the chair, where he had previously sat, out from the table. He sat down on it again presently, and waited until Saber's pounding heart, - which he could hear clearly, - began to settle before he spoke again.

"Saber," he said softly. "How can I help you better understand?"

Kratos' words made the anger stir again, just as it seemed it was finally calming down inside Saber. His hands fell back on the counter, revealing his black eyes had returned to a violent rage. He tried to take several breaths before speaking.

" If I was actually undetected, you wouldn't know about it," he said in an almost calm voice, but his death stare spoke otherwise.

He turned to look at Kratos with those eyes, shifting his weight to face him but still leaned against the counter.

" Obviously someone tracked me," he continued. A breath was released. Then the storm hit again.

" You're all freaking werewolves!!!" He yelled. " Any one of you could track me to the ends of the freaking Earth if you wanted to! How the heck would I ever be able to get away?!"

Saber paused to catch his breath, his heartbeat having grown rapid again. His gaze drifted elsewhere, something else mixing in the emotions of his eyes.

" ...I can't tell if you're all freaking serious, or if you all take me for some kind of freaking idiot."

"You have a good many reasons to be upset." Kratos replied in the same calm tone as before.


Saber eyed Kratos with one more harsh glare before turning back to the counter, a low growl of frustration heard. Once more his elbows rested on the counters surface, his hands holding his forehead as he tried to breath out his anger. His anger did not subside. After a moment he spoke.

" I'm leaving."

Then Saber turned back to head towards the stairs like before.

Kratos nodded. "So be it." He said, and he dismissed himself without another word.

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