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Alpha Interviews - Saber: Reasoning with Men & Wolves (SP-RP17/18)

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"The natural man will consider anything his prey if he is desperate enough for it." Kratos replied. "Desperation is a mad blindess."

History taught this truth.

Saber's face didn't budge. No response was given to Calagothorm's alpha. He stared for another minute, his thoughts miles away. Then all at once, he came back.

Urgency entered Saber's eyes as a realization was made. He swiftly moved towards the door, carefully around Kratos and went down the hall towards the stairs. He heart was pounding now. He tried to tune in to his heightened senses as he headed down the stairs to see if anyone else was in the cabin presently. He guessed no one was. But the smells of the others lingered, and he knew they had been in the cabin earlier, but how much earlier, he was unsure.

Now having made his way to the kitchen, Saber grabbed rice from the pantry and a pot from the cupboards. Soon he was starting up water to cook the rice, but his face was still pale and his mind still seemingly disturbed.

And as was typical the past month he'd lived there, Bianca's food prepared in the fridge, like any food prepared by another for him, was ignored.

Kratos did not hinder nor intercept Saber's path. The young man was permitted to leave the room, and Kratos would join him downstairs in a moment... but presently, the Alpha set to putting the bed back where it belonged, and tidied the room.


After a few minutes, Kratos did come downstairs. He came to the living room and eyed out the window to see if Ulric and Levi had returned yet with the car. They had not. So Kratos came to the kitchen.

By the time Kratos had entered the kitchen, Saber's skin had regained most of its color and he looked far more relaxed than before, as if nothing had happened.

The pot on the stove top was currently left alone waiting for a boil, as Saber himself had returned to the pantry, staring at the options of canned and dried foods that were available.

Having originally been looking for something to put on top of the rice, for some reason he found himself staring at a can of beef stew instead, unable to look away. That wasn't something that normally went on rice. That wasn't even something he usually liked to eat. But it sounded so good in that moment, and there was no question as to why- his wolf loved beef.

Saber had noticed it a few months ago when he had first returned home after the fever- Everything had changed after that.

None of it was major at first, and a less observant eye might've missed some of it. His hair seemed to grow coarser overnight. His temper became increasingly harder to control. And his appetite grew, his tastes changing as well to include more meat than he usually had been consuming, beef especially. Normally he wasn't fond of the gamey flavor and rough texture of the dark meat, but since then, he couldn't seem to get enough of the stuff. Even worse, he could tell he was growing to actually like it.

Saber thought it seemed almost like some kind of strange twist of irony, that while he could not eat the milk the cow produced, instead he ate the cow itself like some sort of revenge on the beast.

And so Saber stared at the can of stew for a solid minute debating on whether to grab it or not. Eventually, he decided that to attempt to forgo what the wolf desired required more effort than he was willing to give in that moment, and grabbed the can. He double checked the ingredients before heading over to the kitchen sink to wash the can and his hands.

Presently he had not seemed to acknowledge Kratos as he entered the kitchen beyond a sideways glance.

Kratos surmised the room and casually went to the refrigerator. If Saber was not going to touch the food Bianca had meticulously prepared for him, well, Kratos wasn't going to let it go to waste. A long time ago, he was a boy in a kitchen sparcely pantried and every meager piece of meat was a blessing and a prize.

Thus, all that was prepared and intended for Saber was procured and set out on the table. All of it was appetizing to the senses, albeit cold. Kratos didn't appear to mind the temperature. He sat down to it with his knees higher than the seat, and certainly not under the table.

"I will tell Bianca that you prefer to do your own cooking." He said. "And that way she does not waste her efforts... efforts that would otherwise be employed elsewhere."

By the time Kratos had pulled out what Bianca had prepared, the can of beef stew had already been opened and it's flavorful scent was too overwhelming for the other foods to be easily noticed- As so too did Sabers focus grow narrowly on it.

Once the lid was removed his wolf was ready to consume it's contents. It begged to consume the contents, cold, right then and there. The savory flavor. The delectable beef chunks.

The spoon which Saber had used to lift the lid off after opening it with the can opener was still in his hand- Oh how easy and satisfy one bite would be. But all Saber did was stare at the beef and potato chunks with dilated eyes, slow breathes, and a deep focus that would not yield to the beasts desire.

He stood in front of the open can for some time as the inward struggle for control raged on. Eventually, albeit slowly, he picked up the can and procured the contents into a glass container, which then made it's way to the microwave to be warmed up. By the time Saber's hands were off the food and his mind had half returned, it seemed he had missed Kratos' words, but now noticed the food Kratos had brought out but gave it little attention. He lingered still by the microwave for when the food would be ready to eat...

Kratos finished one plate and moved to the next before Saber's meal was finished heating. He ate vegetable and beef stir fries, with onions, bell peppers, and beef over rice. He ate plain strips of steak with rice, and pot roasts of beef broth, beef, potatoes, carrots, and celery. He ate meals of oats, cracked wheat, white rice and whole grain rice. - All which had been prepared for Saber at different intervals, branching over the morning and into the evening meals. Meals that had been left from three days in the refrigerator, to meals that were frozen from the last few weeks. The latter were thawed and heated as time allowed.

Bianca was a creative cook, and Kratos was not picky. Though he preferred the meat of elk and deer, red and wet it was better, Bianca's was still a fair way. Salt is really the only thing beef needs.

In the midst of his eating, Kratos stood up and retrieved several hefty rolls from the freezer. Bianca was not the only one filling the ice box and pantries. A meal of meat and grain was better with rolls of bread. Beans, too. Canned beans, cold and opened like a cup of brew, was set on the table. Kratos ate meat and drank beans, and waited for the bread to thaw - which it did at a much quicker rate for his coercing of it.

When the meat was gone, the beans depleted, the bread thawed, and all Bianca's hard work tucked forever out of sight, Kratos opened a jar of jam and spooned half of it into a large glass. Then he poured ice-cold water over it and mixed it well. This he drank with no apparent regard to the company and washed it all down.

Now, Kratos was satisfied, and it took him no longer to eat the whole of it than it took Saber to eat his meager helping. For a regular man's spoon was but the spoon of an infant in Kratos' hand.

Kratos did not wait for Saber's acknowledgement to begin eating. To think that canned beef was more appetizing to the young man than the beef Bianca had prepared some time before was, perhaps, a pathetic thing. Yet it spoke volumes about Saber's trust in his natural environment and the people around him.

Kratos ate quietly and listened all the while. The low buzz of the microwave, moving high and beyond the natural hearing of man, grated on the alpha's nerves, and he wondered who had brought the annoying device to the mountain. Nothing would come of it at present. Kratos wore a placid expression and ate in an attitude of cool contemplation. The birds outside and the voices of the mountain, vocalized in the rattling tree branches and the nearby streams, were of far greater import. The device was noted and even used, yet it would be subject for further converse at a later date.

After the microwave had beeped and the beef stew removed, it was left on the counter to cool as Saber searched for something else to accompany the rice that was originally cooking instead.

While looking in the fridge for such, Saber glanced briefly over at Kratos as the man ate the large amount of food arranged on the table now. Saber seemed almost disgusted by it, but ignored him for the most part.

Although his search took some time, Saber eventually managed to find something to eat with the rice- a selection of vegetables and some meat to make some kind of stir fry out of. But before he cooked these, the can of beef stew was consumed.

After the rice and stir fry was made, Saber served all of it on a plate for himself and then began heading towards the stairs to leave.

"Saber." Kratos finished his meal presently.

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