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Alexander (Zander) Lazarov

Alexander (Zander) Tres Lazarov

Alternative Names: Zeltandesvel Carnelian

Age: 24

Birthdate: September 1st, 1974

Blood Line: Likely Half-blood, given his inborn sense of control.

Background: Zander was raised by two terrible history nerds who had an awful fascination with Alexander the Great. Their last name was “Lazarov” is Macedonian in origin. By sad coincidence, the full name of their history fascination is Alexander III of Macedonia. Thus Alexander was dealt a name both unfortuneate and common. He really does hate the depths his parents sunk and started going by the nickname of “Zander” beginning in middle school.

Zander was adopted. Abandoned at birth at a nearby hospital without even so much as a name (sadly), it is unknown who his biological parents were. He was raised by Trisha and Trevor Lazorov; two mild-mannered history teachers who spoiled their new son as best they could but knew nothing of his true heritage. At the age of 13 and a half his true nature began to express itself and poor Zander had no clue what was going on! Shortly thereafter he had his first turn in the library of his school. Confused and afraid, he kept it a secret from his family and tried to uncover all that he could on what was happening to him. After discovering he was indeed a werewolf, he began trying to test the limits and dispel common myth. Sadly, such a secret was not meant to keep. His little sister Minerva (also misfortunately named) was terribly nosy and discovered what he had been doing once a month. Being ever so considerate, she ratted him out to their parents in a heartbeat.

Though Trisha and Trevor were confused by this sudden twist on their understanding of reality, they supported their son despite what he was; in fact, they said he could continue to explore his identity so long as he stayed in school. True to his word, Zander excelled in his studies and was soon accepted into well respected college as a Sociology major at the age of 17. It seemed as though he was headed down the path of academic greatness; until without warning he dropped out of school at the age of 19. He told his parents he needed a gap year for “travel”; but never specified what. A few years past and Zander was still “traveling” with no sign of returning to school. Though disappointed, both his parents would send letters as frequently as they could with his mother occasionally sending him new clothing and supplies so he would look smart and respectable. He would respond when he could, speaking vaguely of how exciting his travels were and how much he had learned.

At the age of 21, some terrible event occurred that earned Zander the scars on his forearms. The letters he sent home were less frequent, shorter, and far less cheerful. In one letter home he admitted “One chapter of my life is closed and so I must travel onward”. His parents never pressed the subject and so Zander has been in aimless travel ever since.

Personality: On first meeting him, he seems cheerful enough and quite bookish. He has a tendency to use big words and dramatic phrasing. He keeps with him many notebooks and books, filled with his own discoveries on his kind and what little literature he could find on the matter. He guards his notebooks dearly; and it seems, the only thing he might be fight to keep. With people he can be far less animated—friendly, no doubt, but giving the impression of disinterest. To those he knows in passing, he is distant and unfocussed. With those he knows well, he is still much the same yet he is known to be a good listener and a generous disposition.

As a loner, Zander is naturally flighty and weary of his own kind. Although he is in some ways fascinated by "the lycanthrope condition", which therein pushes his studies into the heart of werewolf territory, he is extremely cautious and minimalist in his interactions. As is traditional of anthropologists, he frequently takes on the role of impartial observer. He is a natural wanderer and will never join a pack. While he can befriend other werewolves, it is rare. Nonetheless he believes his work has a higher purpose for all werewolves -- and in spite of his seeming detachment, he would never remain idle when someone truly needs his help.

Human Description:

He has carmel skin and dark brown hair. He has thick eyelashes and his eyes are a dark green/hazely kind of color. He has scars on his fore arms and biceps (more of them being on his left bicept). He is thin and a bit wiry, but still capable looking of minor feats of strength.  He is on the shorter side at 5'8"

He is generally well-dressed, although not due to any effort on his end. His mother continuously sends him collared shirts so he might look presentable to the world; and he obligingly wears what she sends. He relies heavily on his mother to dress him even as a grown man; in fact she was even the one kind enough to help him create an outfit for his alternative form. He is far-sighted so wears a pair of half-moon reading glasses whenever he's studying.


To be redone