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A Rock and a Hard Place (SP-RP19)

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Tito gave an awkward smile and dryly laughed with Chapman. The initial ease of the conversation was up and Tito looked terribly uncomfortable now. With his gaze turned elsewhere, he remained silent while he got lost in his thoughts.

His anxiety had turned on again. What if this man was a werewolf sent here to bring him back to the city? Maybe there really was some trap at Middlecrest.

But Tito remembered Saber's initial email, detailing how he got run out of Pinerich- It sounded like a horrible nightmare, being beat, drugged, kidnapped, then chased out. If someone wanted Tito dead... Wouldn't they simply pull something similar on him? Why point him to Middlecrest?

As Tito continued to try to de-scramble his thoughts and feelings and find a safe response that he could actually say without lying through his teeth, something quiet entered his mind. He turned and looked over at the full moon as it began to peak over the mountain, then hesitantly looked back at Chapman.

" Umm.... Would..." Tito paused, fighting to get the words out of his mouth. " Would... You're checking up on me.... Have.... Anything to do with the full moon tonight?" The moment the last anxious word left Tito's mouth, he panicked.

" Actually... Nevermind, that sounds crazy..." He said with an tense laugh. " Anyways, I need to get home. I should be heading back now," Tito said. Already the trucks door was in his hand being pulled closed as he spoke, so he could lock the doors and drive off as fast as he could.

There was no way with his poor composure and lack of subtlety he was surviving the night.

He was dead.

Chapman watched the young man and saw his suspicion grow. He stood and waited to see the direction the truck would go, before walking to his own vehicle.

Only when the truck door was closed did Tito realize he had forgot to check if Chapman had reacted to the mention of the full moon or not. Although it was too late now, he still glanced at the older gentlemen through his window. Nothing appeared off. He looked like a normal person. What was Tito thinking?

He revved up the trucks engine, as he felt some guilt over his hasty retreat. He was overreacting. Not everyone was a werewolf or apart of some conspiracy for who knows what. Maybe nobody was following him and that lady was just a werewolf playing a nasty prank on him cause he had already looked tense at lunch- She never had explicitly mentioned werewolves after all, who knows if that was what she was even talking about, or if any of her words were true. But what Tito did know was he needed to not panic or else he could put himself at greater risk.

The truck turned around, as Tito eyed the sinkhole again that lie further up main street. He almost fell in that the last full moon. As Tito drove out of Reknab Bend, he came to the realization that his greatest enemy he'd be facing that night was his own fear.

The highway had grown dark, the road now casted in shadow. As country music filled his cab, Tito tried to stay calm and focus on the road.

He had really put himself at risk there- Left the city all alone, then sat on an abandoned street for an hour… If anyone wanted to kidnap him, (Or kill him) he had just given them the easiest opportunity for it. No. He couldn't make another risky move like that again. So he decided it would be best to simply stay at his apartment for the night.

Just like the trip down, the drive back felt like a blur.

When Tito entered the bright city, relief washed over him. Cars and people could be seen all around him. He wasn't alone. He felt much safer now, and hoped it was true.

Navigating the familiar roads of Pinerich, Tito made his way back to his apartment that resided off the east side of the heart of the city.



Behind Jenn's car, another car could be seen having just smashed into the Oldsmobile's rear. The driver of the other vehicle came out frantically, leaving the door ajar, loud music could be heard from inside the cab. " Oh my gosh," he muttered as he glanced at the damage he had caused before heading over to the car he had hit.

" I am so sorry! Are you okay?" He asked the driver of the other vehicle. The young man looked to be not much older than Jenn, but the metal framed glasses on his square face seemed to age him, making him appear a bit older than he really was.

The only face the man would meet as he peered into the driver's seat was his own, in the rear view mirror. It was late in the evening now and the car was empty.

The car sat parked on the side of the road, very near to the foothills of Phantom Mountain. No clue existed as to its prior occupants save a paisley bandana folded up on the dashboard...


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