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Captains (Uno, Lyra, & the Shepherds)

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"Don't worry about me, sir," Lyra said, flashing him a winning smile on the way out.

Tyranny followed after, behaving himself for once. That was a relief.

"Officer Torres," Clay said before she had walked away, "I need you to stay on the premise for the remainder of your shift, please. I may need your services once Chapman gets here."

At the station, 17:00.

Chapman didn't stop to release his hostage - Mark was along for the ride. He'd try calling Reggie a couple of times during the ride, only to get sent to voicemail.

Once they arrived, Chapman instructed Mark to help himself to the cafeteria and told him how to get there - that there was a coffee and espresso machine and premade sandwiches in the fridge.

Tara would arrive with Val about half an hour after, enormous coffee in hand. By this time, Clay had enough time to brief Bob on what had occurred. Tara came to the office and knocked, Val in tow, and the two were instructed to come in.

Clay, knowing his partner well enough, gave her a look - and Tara, knowing her partner well enough, knew that look meant "don't say anything about my face".

"Val," Clay inclined his head towards the aforementioned, "thank you for coming. I know you didn't have much of a choice."

"Reggie quit today - walked off before his shift started, left his badge and sidearm." he gave pause and looked to Chapman.

"It's not just that he quit - it's what he said before he quit that's concerning." Clay continued. Chapman was on a chair near the window, resting his elbow on the sill with his chin rested on his thumb.

There was enough coffee in my cup to take down an elephant, and possibly, to handle this day as it came.  I'd never entered the police office before - never had any reason to, between a life of crime and being shoveled off the ground by Chapman.  I observed every person as we passed. I can't say I had astounding observations, beyond observing who was a wolf and who wasn't. There were more of us than I'd been expecting, but even so - most were human.

I dipped my head as we entered Clay's office, and otherwise trusted myself to say nothing. I had front-row seats to a TV drama, and I wasn't inclined to become an active participant unless I had to.  Chapman, in his usual Chapman fashion, grossly understated the rivalry between Clay and Reggie. And the aforementioned man looked somber in a way that I wasn't used to seeing.

Lyra's day was largely uneventful. She wondered what Clay meant, how a K-9 Officer and handler could possibly be of any use "once Chapman gets here", especially since Chapman was presumably returning to discuss the Delgado situation. It wasn't like Delgado was a missing person or anything. Unless he'd said something before he exploded that made Clay think he soon might be.

It wasn't any secret from her vantage point that Clay and Reggie both vied for Chapman's job. It also wasn't a surprise to her that Clay had gotten it. He had age, wisdom, and years served over Reggie. Reg was a great guy. She was sure he had potential. But it wasn't his day yet. Maybe not ever, after this. He'd always let his feelings get the better of him, but she'd never seen him the way he looked, leaving the station.

She tried to envision how the conversation had gone before she walked in. Reggie, strutting into the station an hour before his shift. But nobody thinks anything of it. He approaches Clay, and offers him a drink. Toasts his new position. At first, the conversation is congenial. Some token words about the weather are exchanged. Then Reggie announces he's leaving the force. Clay becomes cold. He asks him when he made up his mind about that. Reggie returns a biting remark, accusing Clay of stealing both the position and his girlfriend, and Clay slaps him across the mouth. It comes to blows. No, a sword fight. Reggie is fatally stabbed. As Reggie lay dying, Clay confesses he loved him like a son; because he is his son. Aghast, Reggie tells Clay that the drink he gave him was poisoned, and he only has 24 hours left to live unless he gets the antidote, which is hidden in... Reggie dies before he can say, and the episode ends on a cliffhanger. Of course. They always do.

Too much? Too much. And anyway, if Reggie was dead he still wouldn't be a missing person and there still wouldn't be any need for a K-9 on the scene when Chapman got back.

So she busied herself with discreetly "borrowing" some items from Reggie's desk, and work on scent training with Tyranny like she told Clay she was going to do. A few hours later found her back in the station building, meandering through paperwork and keeping a sharp ear out for any interesting conversations, waiting for Chapman to arrive.

To say seeing Val come in with him was a surprise was the understatement of the century. Her inconspicuous position by the case files apparently went without his notice as he didn't seem to look in her direction at all.

There was another guy, too. A middle aged man with dirty blond hair and glasses. Had that glazed over look one does when they didn't get enough sleep the night before. Chapman directed him to the cafeteria, before he and Val went to Clay's office.

Then a tantalizing decision had to be made. She needed a new strategic position. But there was not one that would allow her to observe the stranger in the cafeteria while simultaneously allowing her to observe the goings-on in Clay's office.

Why Val was here, and why he went with Chapman into Clay's office, was obviously the bigger question than who the tired man in glasses was.

But it was also in said office. With a closed door. Unless voices were raised, there was little chance she would be able to hear what was going on. Unless Clay kept the blinds open. She was remarkably talented at reading lips out of the corner of her eye so it didn't look like she was watching...

Oh, had Lyra been right.

They did speak quietly. Tara took the initiative to close the blinds.

---- Earlier ----

Reggie came in early for his shift. A lot earlier than normal - while Reggie was always a good fifteen to twenty minutes early, forty five was a bit excessive. Clay had just finished conducting an informal meeting with a few officers and was circling back to his office.


Reggie regarded his leader informally, revealing his bitter mood and further solidifying his lack of respect.

"Officer Smith," Clay corrected grimly, "Officer Delgado. You're early - what do you need?"

"We need to discuss Officer Torres."

An eyebrow popped up on Clay's forehead.

"What about her?"

"She knows something."

"As I'm aware, you've discussed this with Chapman on top of our meetings regarding the matter. If you insist on beating a dead horse, let's go to my office." Clay was warey as Reggie's lack of composure did not lend to private conversation and kept his own voice low.

Reggie however, did not budge.

"Take her off the force. Transfer her somewhere else."

"Excuse me?"

"Along with that animal."

"My office, now."

"Nah. Take her off and retire the dog or I walk. She's a liability to what we do."

Clay responded at first with dead silence.

"It doesn't work like that and you know it."

"That's fine. Maybe the dog goes missing." Reggie had begun to turn away now.

"That dog has more integrity in his tail-" Clay didn't finish before Reggie's fist connected with the side of his face, and not two minutes had passed between blows being exchanged, backup being called, and Lyra walking in the doors with Reggie walking out.

--- Current ---

The story was recounted grimly by Clay.

"I kept Torres here. Some lame excuse that we might need her, but I don't want her leaving the premise unguarded. I'm sure knows something is up." Clay continued.

"Reggie's always been emotional, but I've never seen him threaten anyone or anything." Chapman rubbed his face wearily. "It was a good call to hold her here."

Tara was silent, looking over the witness reports with her brow knit.

"I don't think he's going to drop it at that. It's delicate. If our neighbors find out one of our dogs is unleashed we might raise some eyebrows. We need to find him." Chapman continued, "I'll take Randall. Has Mercer alerted the scouts?" he asked, and Clay nodded.

"He's already out looking."


"And Torres?"

"We'll follow her." Clay looked to Val. "Keep an eye or three out around her place. Val. What are your thoughts?"

Lyra stifled a disappointed sigh when Tara closed the blinds. She was actually starting to feel a little nervous now. This wasn't going to blow over. Something big was going on.

She looked at her watch. She'd been on since 5 am. Technically her shift was over. Didn't mean that she couldn't be called back in if there was an active situation.

But it was about time for a meal break. And she needed to make a call.

She went to the cafeteria. Offered the tired man with glasses a polite nod. But decided she wouldn't learn anything from him, even if she were more of the probing type, rather than the eavesdropper she was. She knew a background character when she saw one.

She got herself a coffee and a bagel and found herself a place to sit. Pulled up her cell phone and looked at it wistfully. She hadn't talked to Roger since the incident. Never felt ready to talk, even though he was probably the most critical witness to what happened. She wondered if he was ready to talk. She bit her lip. Looked hesitantly at Tired Man. He was minding his own business, by all appearances. Looked lost, actually.

Maybe he was an eavesdropper too.

Maybe she should strike up some polite small talk until he excused himself and left.

Maybe she didn't have that kind of time. If Clay was on to her, if he told her to drop Kimberly's case, or insisted she take a sabbatical citing competency or whatever, that would be it. So she thumbed in Roger's number and put the phone to her ear.

The line rang twice, and was picked up.

"Been wonderin' when you'd call."

"Hey," she said. Paused a moment. There was no need for introductions. "I, uh, I get off work in five. Can we meet some place? Maybe dinner? We need to talk."

"Yeah, hold on-" he covered the speaker and something inaudible was said before the line crisped up again, "meet me at Rock's - off of West Maple and Gardner. See you in a bit."


She hung up. Stood up. Tossed the bagel and dumped her coffee in the sink. She looked and Tired Man again. This time he noticed, and looked back at her. She smiled cordially.

"Hey, uh, you come in with Chapman?"

"I did, yes," he said.

"Cool. Uh, when he gets done with that meeting, would you mind telling him Officer Torres finished her shift and went to dinner?"

"Sure," said Tired Man. But he looked less tired now. Glasses? Ehh...

"Name's Mark," he said extending his hand to shake hers. "Mark Weston."

Psychic Man. Mark Weston. He looked like a Mark. She shook his hand. No need to introduce herself in turn, she'd already called herself Officer Torres. That was really all he needed to know. "I appreciate it, thanks."

"I hope you don't mind my asking, but is everything alright? I can't help but notice you seem a little pensive."

Who on earth uses a word like "pensive"? But she flashed that disarming smile of hers and said something about "family stuff". In case Mr. Weston decided to tell Chapman she looked pensive too. Then she left.

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