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Captains (Uno, Lyra, & the Shepherds)

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She rolled her head to look down at Tyranny. "Now you've done it, sabelotodo," she muttered.

She dragged her hand against its will up to grasp the doorknob, took and deep breath, and entered confidently. She just held that breath in her lungs like it might be her last, and dragged Tyranny along after her.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." Clay said, anything that lacked composure erased and a stoic, serious expression on his countenance, contrary of his puffy eye and cheek. He was every bit composed.

"You and uh... Tyranny. What are you working on right now?"

Lyra didn't bat an eye. This was totally normal. Don't look too hard at that swollen eye. Don't ask questions about Reggie. "We were just heading back to the yard for some scent training. The drug call at the school was a bust, so we didn't get to see him in action today. I decided we'd use the time to go over some training exercises, keep that nose of his sharp."

"Hmm." Clay looked down at Tyranny briefly, then back to Lyra.

"He's a smart dog. You've done a lot of work on the foundation Kimberly laid down with him. I was sad to see Axel retire-he had more sense than some of the officers." he leaned back now and clicked around on the computer on his desk.

"I have a question about that, actually-" he continued, deep voice nearly a hum, his face betraying little expression. He turned the screen around, to show Lyra Kimberly's file in black and green text. He stood and came around to sit on the front of his desk, crossing his arms.

"You've looked at her file quite a lot. Is there something you want to discuss?"

Little did Tara know, Chapman had already warned Clay and asked him to look into it, no sooner than Val had disclosed to him that she had been chasing after werewolves.

She was prepared to be confronted about something. She was prepared to blink those big brown doe-eyes and pretend she had no idea what he was talking about.

She was not prepared to see Kimberly's file again.

She didn't have to fake anything, the emotion that clouded her face was real. She looked down somberly and said, "She was my partner, sir. She... It shouldn't have happened. Not like that."

Clay sighed and leaned forward, nodding. "I know. I'm sorry, I understand it's difficult." sympathy painted on his face, in spite of the bruises forming.

"There wasn't a dry eye on the force, I promise. Not even Reggie-" he continued in a disgruntled tone, "-believe it or not."

Now he stood and straightened, walking to the window.

"But I gotta ask you- what do you think you're going to find? Something's bothering you about the whole thing."

She shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe I'm just not ready to let her go yet."

A tactical maneuver was in order. She'd been at this for months. She wasn't about to trip up now. Clay kinda had that look about him that reminded her of her uncle when he was about to tell her it was time to close up shop. She didn't want to hear it. Not then, not now. Not when she was so close to...

...To what?

She didn't know yet. But she was close. She could feel it.

She looked up at his face and winced. "If it's any consolation sir, I saw the other guy. He looked worse." She clicked her tongue. "What happened with Delgado just now? I've never seen him like that," Lyra said.

Clay chuckled. It was a nice, warm chuckle. He shook his head.

”Nose wounds always look bad. He’s find.” A play on Reggie’s nose, no doubt. “Gonna sound a lil stuffy for a few days though, heh. I’mma have to go to the dentist. My dude throws a mean left hook.”

Clay sighed.

”Nice subject change, though, Torres. Props for that. Look, I don’t know what it is you’re after. I don’t know how you think you’re gonna find what it is you’re after. Have you.. you know, talked to anyone about it? The other officer retired after it all went down. Are you good for the job right now? You didn’t take any time off-after..”

"I'm good," Lyra said quickly. Maybe a little too quickly. Had to check her tone. She cleared her throat and said seriously, "I'm good sir. They offered to put me on admin leave but I swear if I'd taken them up on it, I'd go crazy. I need to stay focused. It's been a few months. It's easier now. I don't look at the file half as much as I used to. And it hasn't interfered with my work, has it?"

If anything, she would say she was working harder and better than ever before. She'd been so timid before the incident. She was never going to be that timid again. She was never going to abandon another partner again. The coward she'd been died that night too, and not at Kimberly's side like she should have been.

“I’m worried about you Torres. Don’t give me a reason to put you on a sabbatical, ok? Reggie just quit, I don’t need a reason to pull you off the force right now.”

He went to the door and held it for Lyra.

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