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Captains (Uno, Lyra, & the Shepherds)

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Lyra chuckled a little nervously. "Oh, yeah, that's probably it."

That was not it.

But she had no idea what was. She knew better than to doubt Tyranny's nose and brain by now. But if ever a dog could have an attitude, Tyranny certainly did. Maybe he was mad about the false alarm. But even if he was, he wasn't the kind of dog to mess around and goof off. Not like this. Tyr took his job very seriously. As seriously as he was staring at her now. As serious as the grave. She could tell he believed he was on-duty. That's why he calmed down.

But Reggie hadn't been at the crime scene where...

...Where it happened.

And anyway, that was months ago.

But she shook it off. Maybe they needed to go over the scent again. Make sure he only used that signal when he picked it up. Maybe he'd just gotten confused. She'd borrow something from Reggie's desk later, maybe a pen. Teach Tyranny the difference between Reggie-smell and... the other smell.

"That's right, off the clock, boy. Enough of that."

Tyranny set down his paw and stood up, ready to follow wherever she'd lead.

Reggie watched Lyra go, then departed back into the cafe to order her a meal. He had it bagged up. He stopped in the pet store too, getting Tyranny a treat.  Then realized Lyra left her door locked - which was a good thing - but he was holding a bag of warm food and a dog treat and nowhere to put them. So he wrote a note on a ticket and stuck it in her windshield.

"Just kidding, foods in the diner with the cashier, enjoy. -"Reg""

Then he left.

Lyra was surprised when she got back and found the ticket. Well, "surprised" is one way to describe a flushed face and heart pounding with both rage and embarrassment as some choice words spilled out of her mouth. Reggie was gone. But when she plucked the ticket off her windshield and read it, those feelings melted away and she smiled.

He signed it with "Reg". That's what really got her.

Feeling a little chagrined, she looked around to make sure no one had caught her momentary lapse of temper. Only Tyrrany had. He gave her a fairly judgemental stare and sneezed for emphasis. She pulled a face at him. Stuck out her tongue for good measure.

"Come on, Tyr," she said, leading the dog across the street to the diner. She picked up her food and waved the treat at Tyrrany. "Aww, look, he got you a little something too. Even though you were very rude to him."

Tyrrany sniffed it and made his signal again.

"Okay that's enough of that, you're starting to tick me off," she scolded. "It's Reggie."

Yes, I know it's Reggie, the dog's soulful brown eyes seemed to say. Can I eat that now?

She pressed her lips in a thin line and tossed the treat to him. He caught it out of the air and chomped it down, looking quite pleased with himself. Lyra wasn't sure what had gotten into him. "Let's... Let's get back to the station," she said. "I think we need a refresher course."

Tyrrany stood up, wagged his tail, and licked his chops. That sounded like a very good idea to him.

But Lyra felt more than a little unnerved. Of the two of them, she knew Tyrrany better. Reggie had hardly said a word to her as long as she'd been on the force. Could he have some involvement in what happened? But it was nonsensical. But... What if he knew something? Something more than he was letting on, that connected him somehow to the... The woods. The bears that did not act like bears. The paw prints that were too big to be wild dogs. The hair that tested human in the lab. Seriously, Lyra, stop, she told her wild imagination. But went on anyway: what if he knew she was on the case? Why was he being so nice all of a sudden? Not that he'd ever been not nice. Just... disinterested. Until now. And then Tyrrany's signal, not once, but twice...

She could almost taste a plot twist on the tip of her tongue. But she chuckled and chided herself.

This was real life. Not some silly show. There were no secret conspiracies. No wolves in sheep's clothing. No evil twins. And above all, she was quite certain she wasn't Val's long lost sister, aunt, or cousin.

No plot twist. Tyrrany was just confused. That's all. It was a new scent. He was still learning. Some refreshers back at the station would set him straight.

Back at the station, 13:00.

A dramatic scene had unfolded in the main lobby of the department.

On the far side of the lobby, Clay stood-eye swollen, mouth bloody, Mercer behind him, holding his arms back. Opposite of him, Reggie, with four deputies holding him back. Reggie's nose was broken, with blood pouring down the front of his uniform.

Clay yanked his arms loose of Mercer, and with a look, Mercer stood down.

"Forget it! I quit!" Reggie roared, ripping his badge from his uniform and chucking it at Clay. It hit the ground with a "cling".

"What do you want us to do?" one of the deputies restraining Reggie asked. Clay just waved his hand.

"Let him go. He turns back 'round though-"

"Nah, don't worry, you won't see this face again."

Reggie shrugged free of the deputies, handing his sidearm over, and storming back out the doors.

"Call Chapman. We need him back, now." Clay growled to Mercer, before turning back towards his office to clean himself up.

Lyra muttered something, possibly a prayer under her breath ("dios" was the only dicernable word) as she came upon the scene. "What the-- what happened?"

Her stomach clenched and she felt the blood drain out of her face at the sight of Reggie storming past her on the way out. So much blood. Tyrany growled and the fur stood up on the back of his neck, but she pulled his leash taut alongside her and he did not more than that.

She noticed a bit of blood on the door handle. Felt like the room was spinning for half a second. But still fetched a napkin from her pocket and hastily wiped it up, wrapped it, and deposited it back in her pocket before anyone could notice. Reg wasn't wearing his badge. He'd turned in his sidearms. She still needed to work out Tyranny's misunderstanding about his scent, and she wasn't sure he was coming back.

Although... She realized there was a brief but golden opportunity to sample objects at his desk to see exactly which ones got the signal from Tyranny.

She'd get to that later.

First. "What the--?" she said again, her voice a little lower this time and hoping to catch the attention of someone who had observed, but not been involved in, the conflict, "What's up with Reggie and Clay?"

One of the deputies stood by to make sure former officer Delgado didn't turn  back around. Then turned his attention to Lyra when she spoke. He smoothed back his strawberry blonde hair and shook his head.

"Man, it was crazy.. they were just talking one second and the next, Reggie was on top of Clay. I don't think anybody heard what they were saying. I half thought they were fooling around until Clay called for backup. It just caught us all off guard."

The officer, his uniform read "Myers", looked towards Clay's office.

"We all wanna know what the heck happened but uh,"

A crash from Clay's office.

"He's a little hot right now."

"Ayyyyyy," Lyra said, wiping the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand. "That's loco. I was just talking to Reggie a little bit ago, twenty minutes or soemthing. He seemed fine then. What was he even doing back here? Like, his shift doesn't start for another 40."

But Officer Myers clearly didn't know. It was a rhetorical question. She clicked her tongue and started on her way through the precinct building, towards the kennels. But she slowed her step just a touch as she passed Clay's office, just in case she could catch anything he said.

Was it wrong to feel a little bit excited? Two senior officers who she thought were friends had bloodied each other in the middle of the station, one stormed out looking very much like he'd quit. It was a pretty terrible thing to have happened. And there was still the question as to why it happened.

She had to look busy, and just keep an ear out. People were shaken. Shaken people talk. And she was all ears.

Except, that one moment she was all eyes, as Tyranny stopped by Clay's office door, sniffed, and gave his signal. She yanked him on, and he looked offended by her distrust. But that was aggravating. Clay now, too? Well, could still be Reggie he was onto. Reg had been all over Clay just now. Tyranny was insistent. That wasn't a fluke. Reg had something to do with what happened. She didn't know how or why, but she felt certain now that he did.

Inside the office, Clay was cooling off. He'd have to write up a statement soon, collect them from the witnesses, pull the security footage, get it all filed neatly away.

Chapman picked a great time to get himself and Tara out of dodge.

Lyra's presence outside of the office didn't go unnoticed. Clay cleared his throat, spat out a wad of blood into the trashcan, and wiped his mouth.

"Officer Torres." his voice boomed, in spite of the door between them.

Lyra stiffened. Nothing like getting your name called out while you're being a snoop. The whole idea of being a snoop was to not get called out.

She straightened her back and shoulders and cleared her throat. "Yes, sir?"

Now what? Was he going to open the door? Was she supposed to open the door? There was no way in Hades she was going to open that door.

"Enter, please." his voice boomed again.

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