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Captains (Uno, Lyra, & the Shepherds)

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Lyra's mental faculties froze up. It wasn't until they were outside she began to recover.

"Put me down, put me down, put me down!" she demanded. She pushed away from Val and Roger, turning towards them both with wild hair and wild eyes.

"¿Que demonios? ¡¿Qué demonios?! W-what happened back there?! What was-- what is-- who are you people?! What the devil is going on here?!"

I put her down, still breathing fast and counting myself very fortunate to have just escaped the center of a werewolf brawl. I didn't let go of her hand by her gun holster. The frenzy in Lyra's voice leached out of every word. I couldn't let her go, not until I knew what she would do with it.

"Lyra, please," I didn't say 'calm down'. Nothing was calm about this. Everything was a hilarious train wreck I was just trying to crawl out of before it crushed me.

"Don't go back inside. We have to secure the building. If.... I-if you follow me, I promise I'll tell you whatever you want to know. Just don't go back inside".

"Why the devil would I go back inside?!" Lyra exclaimed. "Delgado turned into a freaking monster!! A freaking werewolf! How does that even work? There's no full moon tonight--¡Venga ya! Delgado's a freaking werewolf!"

She swept her curly hair out of her face and tried to regain some composure, looking back at the building.

"Secure the building," she repeated. "Right. Okay. Let's do that."

A crash and animalistic noises from inside. Lyra jumped.

"Cover all exists?"

"Right, well actually--"

I winced, feeling the wind deflate by her both lack of concern standing next to me, and her instant break to the next beat as though nothing has happened.  She'd seen more tonight in two seconds than she'd found in the last few months of searching. Now was just reaction.

Later, she might realize it was more than just Delgado that was the monster werewolf.

At least she didn't want to run inside.  I nodded to Roger.

"You and me on the front - Roger, can you take the back?"

Roger looked between Lyra and Val.

The management had any bystanding patrons sequestered off to the side near the road, none seemed to hear Lyra’s tyrade.

Nodding tenatively, Roger stared at the door, bracing the gun in his hands and coming to a crouch. He kept it at his side.

Lyra shook her head, like she couldn't believe she was going along with this, but she in fact was going to go along with this.

As she took her position and readied her gun, she looked at what could be seen through the front windows of Rock's.

There was not one, but two gigantic forms warring in there.


"Smith's one of them too?" Lyra asked incredulously. Only now did she give Val a double-take. "How did you get tangled up in all of this?"

I wasn't a sophisticated, eloquent speaker. I wouldn't be quoting poetry in the hopes it'd make sense. I didn't have Chapman's suave to smooth it all over and redirect her interest as effortlessly as a summer's waltz. I wasn't a good liar.

I'd asked Chapman a few days ago how you brought someone over the threshold. At the time, it had seemed a distant concept. Something I had at least a few months, even weeks, to figure out the details. Or better yet, someone else to do it that could do it better.

Now she was one foot over and I had a bad feeling when the other came over, it might be to drop-kick me straight in the stomach.

"Lyra.... a good chunk of the force are werewolves..." I shook my gaze to the street - most of the patrons had now dispersed, and the street was feeling eerily silent, "And I think you know why... people who get too close to the truth get hurt. If no one looks after their interest, it could end badly..."

"That's not what I asked," Lyra said. Her eyes darted from Rock's briefly to Val's for a moment. "I asked how you fit into all of this."

Her eyes were back on Rock's. As long as it was loud in there, Roger was safe. But it kicked her in the gut; he didn't have a radio. If something went wrong on his end, how would they know?

I cleared my throat, looked down, then looked up. I couldn't say it. It caught at my tongue, elusive.

"Like I said... a lot of the force are werewolves".

Speaking of force.

Headlights appeared down the road from Lyra and Val. With the speed at which they were approaching, it could only be one person.

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