Author: Kaqurei

Who Am I?

My friends call me Kaqurei – but, then again, so do my foes… I suppose you may do the same, as it’s the only name I go by. In case you are wondering how exactly to say it, I pronounce it “kack-your-ee”. How’d I come by the name? It’s a funny story… I’ll have to let you in on it some time.

I am a Whatzzit, an artist, storyteller, and avid roleplayer. I love deep, complicated plots, complex characters, exquisite emotions, and drama – this is true both of role plays and stories. I’m passionate (to a fault) about books. My favourite genres are Science Fiction and Fantasy… and I detest Romances. I don’t mind if there *is* romance, I’m just not fond of a story dedicated entirely to any one relationship. *shrug* To each his own, I suppose. As far as role plays go, I am not terribly opposed to romance, as long as it’s a spontaneous sort of thing where throughout the course of the plot the characters discover they love each other, not a pre-planned thing that winds up being an insta-love (and thus, not genuine; easily made, easily broken). I love role plays that involve many different characters, whose players work together to weave an extraordinary plot (as opposed to following the whims of the one who created the role play in the first place). I *can* do one-on-one’s, but I much prefer a group of at least four people.

Please bear in mind that I am not my character, nor do I see you as yours. Please don’t take the way some of my characters may act towards yours personally. I am a very versatile roleplayer; I am comfortable playing a vast range of character personalities and viewpoints. However, I do have reservations. I will not participate in role plays over a PG rating. On that note though, I have absolutely no preference when it comes to number of characters or lengths of posts. As long it flows, a short reply can be just as contributing to the scene as a long one. Short replies are great for short or fast-paced scenes, or when there isn’t much to respond to. So don’t feel like you have to throw down a wall of text in every reply! Let it flow, don’t force it =3

My Characters

Sabrina Sabres | Levi O’Connell | Josh Rogers | Mark Weston | Lyra Torres

Updates to the Website

All old roleplays have been successfully archived! Woo! Way to go, team! A little birdy told me that everyone who helped with the archiving will get a shiny new title added to their profile, so be on the lookout for

Progress Report

Good work, y’all! Four days and we almost have everything moved over from the old site! You guys are amaaaaazzziiinnng!! 8D Here’s where we’re at so far! Main threads Werewolves (RP 9): The Song of the Mountain. Werewolves (RP 8):

The “Incident” of 08/18

Hey y’all, we’re back! 83 So what happened was I was trying to make it so our profile pages respond to html we put into our Bios. A couple of plugins did that great on the WordPress side. Unfortunately, Asgaros

Hello World!

The website is officially up! It looks hideous, I know. Bear with me. I just need to dress it up 😉 So far we have a working front page and forum. I’m messing around with user privileges and plugins. Then
